Sources: Stallworth reaches plea deal


New member
May 18, 2008
lol and mike vick gets 2 years for dogs... gotta love american society

New member
Oct 11, 2004
Stallworth got so little because even the DA knew his case was weak. I personally think he should've got more than 30 days but what Vick did was far worse IMO.

New member
May 18, 2008
Stallworth got so little because even the DA knew his case was weak. I personally think he should've got more than 30 days but what Vick did was far worse IMO.

no it isn't. its just that half of america fellates their dogs.

New member
Oct 11, 2004
no it isn't. its just that half of america fellates their dogs.

Its not about dogs. Obviously a human life is worth more than a dogs. What its about is the fact that Vick owned, beat, set up and premeditated killing them. Stallworth did something that 95% of the people on this board has done, drove drunk. Yes he did hit a guy while doing it, but that guy also shouldn't have been there. If that guy isn't jaywalking and Stallworth justs gets the DUI its a simple fine with no jail time and a 6 month loss of his lisence.

Ask yourself this who would you rather have babysit your kids. A guy that got a DUI or a guy that organized a dog fighting ring? Like I said 95% of us have driven drunk. Maybe .0005% of the population even thinks about owning a dog fighting ring.

New member
Feb 3, 2007
average citizens get more than 30 days for possessing a couple of joints :ohno:

Don't assume people in charge know what they are d
Aug 16, 2006
I don't know too much about this case other than what I've read hear and heard on espn, but it does kinda seem like just an unfortunate event for both sides. Like someone mentioned even though Stallworth was barely above the limit he wasn't hammered and swerving all over the road and he does seem remorseful, took responsibility from the get go and cooperated to the full extent. Also, as Sean1 mentioned if in fact that road was a bit dangerous to begin with being that the rising sun's directly in the driver's view, the pedestrian should be aware of that and have just as much responsibility to be careful of oncoming traffic before crossing whether it's a legal crosswalk or not. I mean, you hear about these pedestrian car accident victims on the news whether there was alcohol involved or not, and I ask myself just how the fuck do you get hit like that by a car? It's not as if the car suddenly appears out of nowhere right in front of you and kills you. A lot of the times you have asshole pedestrians ego trippin' thinking they own the road b/c they're a pedestrian, assuming every car will stop for them. If it's a legal crosswalk then yes, cars are legally bound to stop for pedestrians but we all know many drivers don't do that. So the responsibility's just as much on the pedestrian to absolutely make sure the road's safe for you to cross.

With all that said I still don't get why Stallworth was even drunk that early in the morning. Does anyone know if he drank that morning or if the alcohol was still in his system from a previous night's drinking? If he drank that morning then he's got some issues. Also the only thing that bothers me about this whole case is the fact that the average joe w/out Stallworth's high priced lawyers would serve more time. There's no denying that. But then again that's nothing new as that's just how our fucked up justice system is.

I agree.
Probably hungover, and still had the blood alcohol level.

I've done that...........never hit anyone though.

Shitty incident...........feel sorry for the dead guy and family.

They call some things "accidents" for a reason.

New member
Oct 11, 2004
average citizens get more than 30 days for possessing a couple of joints :ohno:

I would't atomatically assume that money and fame means you get easier sentencing. Did money help Stallworth. Yes it did. But remember it was the prosecutor that offered this plea deal to Stallworth. So apparently there was a reason why he or she didn't think they had a very strong case. Plus the victims family aggreed to the plea deal. So ya the money did help him in this case. However if you remember Vick, he got a longer sentence than his other co-defendants. And Plaxico it can be argued is having a harder time because of his fame. The fact is the most people that get caught with an un-lisecened gun in the state of New York don't do any jail time.

New member
Dec 7, 2005
Allow me to sup it all up. Justice for all, and more justice for the rich.

Report: Lance Armstrong bike-stealer to get 3 years in prison
Kyle Koster
on June 23, 2009 10:24 AM | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBacks (0)
Thumbnail image for lance-armstrong-bike-stolen.jpgPerhaps it's because everything I know about the criminal justice system in this country was gleaned from watching copious amounts of "Law & Order," but it's often really confusing to me just how a sentence is determined.

We sort of looked into this in the wake of Donte' Stallworth's 30-day sentence for DUI manslaughter, but another sports-related ruling today really throws a wild-card number into the mix.

One of the two men involved in the 2008 theft of a rare Lance Armstrong bike will be sentenced to a three-year prison term next week.

Lee Monroe Crider, 40, pleaded no contest June 1 to second-degree burglary and grand theft, the Sacramento Bee reported on its Web site, citing court documents. Crider is scheduled to return to court next Monday for sentencing, the Bee reported.

Look, there's obviously a ton of factors at work in all of these cases, but on the surface, the penalty for stealing a piece of property from a millionaire should just not be more than 10 times more severe than that of someone who wrongfully took a man's life.

Who's with me on this one?

I think I want my money back!
Mar 29, 2005
Watch out....Stallworth is back out. Hide your relatives.

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