Of course I will get balsted for this but here it goes anyways. He did give me conset to cut and paste this. I cannot verify who this really is. judge for yourself.
I could give a rats ass about your sportsbook or therx..I am done with this..I tried to come clean, and i have.I am not going to make a fool out of myself and post this email.
Pino <Pino@safaricasino.com> wrote:
Sorry but I will not do that. I think it will show character. How can it hurt if you don't want to go back anyways. If you really are serious about to trying to repair some of the damage you may have caused to some fringe players you would do this. If not I don't really care at this point. I said what I could in my defence.
******* wrote:
Please cut and paste this. I really do not want to even go to the rx.i am just a jerk.
Thank you
Pino <Pino@safaricasino.com> wrote:
I would prefer you post this on the board. I do accept your apology. This is your opportunity to show other what you are made of. All I have is my word. Unlike you my business depends on it. If I ever get caught in a lie I might as well close down shop.
******** wrote:
please except my apology to you.i feel really ashamed of myself Pino,I lied about talking to you on the phone for money.I am not even going to get now.The reason i posted i talk to you Pino, is because are friend Journeymen said he would open a sportsbook account and use my name as a reference if i lied..He now has said since i will no longer post at therx.He is not going to help me out with a referral..I am a small time gambler..Sure i brag of being a big gambler but let's get the truth out..the $250 referral would of been my best score in a while.The real reason i am not posing at therx is because what i said about you.I am really sorry Pino and hope you can forgive me..
the posting of people's personal info is not needed to get your point across.
[This message was edited by RPM on 11-04-02 at 04:08 PM.]