Yes, of course you do, just like Romney had 15,000 in that Ohio crowd, right? I'm trying to figure out who is the biggest liar, you, or Gas Bag. Ok, I guess you come second in THAT comparison, but you're still a proven liar and a moron.
And yet you have the opportunity to make 10,000 and only risk 1,000 to prove any of my statements are false. But you are too big of a pussy and the biggest loser most of us in here have ever interacted with.
You have serious mental health guess is you are on heavy doses of Depakote or Lithium....or both just to keep you functioning at a 3rd grade level.
This place is probably the most interaction you have had with people outside of your family in 20 years...although I'm sure your family has disowned you.
There is no doubt you are a fag.
There is no doubt you are uneducated.
You were most likely molested by an uncle, your father, your priest....someone fucked you up real good.
We should meet up so I can shut your pussy ass diarrhea mouth up and teach you a lesson. And yes, it would be quite quick.