The governor was on TV Friday actually begging people to comply. There is no doubt, in LV and the US, that two weeks from now there will be a spike based on holiday behavior. I don't think the casinos will shut down, but bars and restaurants might close again. Meanwhile, no one really takes the guv very seriously as he praised the demonstrators and rioters who walked the strip night after night without regard for masks/distance, he allowed construction to continue on the Raider's stadium even with many positive cases and he, himself was caught at a local bar/restaurant socializing without a mask.
I think Vegas is pretty crippled right now and, like the rest of the country, I don't see normal back anytime soon. The legislature is meeting in special session this week to figure out how to make up about $1.1b in lost revenue. They can decide to cut from the worst education system in the US, the bottom five quality rated healthcare system or the corrupt police. Could also cut from the unemployment agency who have yet to pay more than 25,000 filers due to various excuses. Most likely will beg the feds for a handout or re-establish the mob ties...perhaps a loan from the Teamsters.