Some facts about the war agaist Iraq


New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by outandup:
In other words the war for oil is just a bunch of BS.


Saturday, December 21, 2002 6:20 PM

In Iraqi War Scenario, Oil Is Key Issue
U.S. Drillers Eye Huge Petroleum Pool

By Dan Morgan and David B. Ottaway
Washington Post Staff Writers

A U.S.-led ouster of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein could open a bonanza for American oil companies long banished from Iraq, scuttling oil deals between Baghdad and Russia, France and other countries, and reshuffling world petroleum markets, according to industry officials and leaders of the Iraqi opposition.

Although senior Bush administration officials say they have not begun to focus on the issues involving oil and Iraq, American and foreign oil companies have already begun maneuvering for a stake in the country's huge proven reserves of 112 billion barrels of crude oil, the largest in the world outside Saudi Arabia.

The importance of Iraq's oil has made it potentially one of the administration's biggest bargaining chips in negotiations to win backing from the U.N. Security Council and Western allies for President Bush's call for tough international action against Hussein. All five permanent members of the Security Council -- the United States, Britain, France, Russia and China -- have international oil companies with major stakes in a change of leadership in Baghdad.

"It's pretty straightforward," said former CIA director R. James Woolsey, who has been one of the leading advocates of forcing Hussein from power. "France and Russia have oil companies and interests in Iraq. They should be told that if they are of assistance in moving Iraq toward decent government, we'll do the best we can to ensure that the new government and American companies work closely with them."

But he added: "If they throw in their lot with Saddam, it will be difficult to the point of impossible to persuade the new Iraqi government to work with them."

Indeed, the mere prospect of a new Iraqi government has fanned concerns by non-American oil companies that they will be excluded by the United States, which almost certainly would be the dominant foreign power in Iraq in the aftermath of Hussein's fall. Representatives of many foreign oil concerns have been meeting with leaders of the Iraqi opposition to make their case for a future stake and to sound them out about their intentions.

Since the Persian Gulf War in 1991, companies from more than a dozen nations, including France, Russia, China, India, Italy, Vietnam and Algeria, have either reached or sought to reach agreements in principle to develop Iraqi oil fields, refurbish existing facilities or explore undeveloped tracts. Most of the deals are on hold until the lifting of U.N. sanctions.

But Iraqi opposition officials made clear in interviews last week that they will not be bound by any of the deals.

"We will review all these agreements, definitely," said Faisal Qaragholi, a petroleum engineer who directs the London office of the Iraqi National Congress (INC), an umbrella organization of opposition groups that is backed by the United States. "Our oil policies should be decided by a government in Iraq elected by the people."

Ahmed Chalabi, the INC leader, went even further, saying he favored the creation of a U.S.-led consortium to develop Iraq's oil fields, which have deteriorated under more than a decade of sanctions. "American companies will have a big shot at Iraqi oil," Chalabi said.

The INC, however, said it has not taken a formal position on the structure of Iraq's oil industry in event of a change of leadership.

While the Bush administration's campaign against Hussein is presenting vast possibilities for multinational oil giants, it poses major risks and uncertainties for the global oil market, according to industry analysts.

Access to Iraqi oil and profits will depend on the nature and intentions of a new government. Whether Iraq remains a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, for example, or seeks an independent role, free of the OPEC cartel's quotas, will have an impact on oil prices and the flow of investments to competitors such as Russia, Venezuela and Angola.

While Russian oil companies such as Lukoil have a major financial interest in developing Iraqi fields, the low prices that could result from a flood of Iraqi oil into world markets could set back Russian government efforts to attract foreign investment in its untapped domestic fields. That is because low world oil prices could make costly ventures to unlock Siberia's oil treasures far less appealing.

Bush and Vice President Cheney have worked in the oil business and have long-standing ties to the industry. But despite the buzz about the future of Iraqi oil among oil companies, the administration, preoccupied with military planning and making the case about Hussein's potential threat, has yet to take up the issue in a substantive way, according to U.S. officials.

The Future of Iraq Group, a task force set up at the State Department, does not have oil on its list of issues, a department spokesman said last week. An official with the National Security Council declined to say whether oil had been discussed during consultations on Iraq that Bush has had over the past several weeks with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Western leaders.

On Friday, a State Department delegation concluded a three-day visit to Moscow in connection with Iraq. In early October, U.S. and Russian officials are to hold an energy summit in Houston, at which more than 100 Russian and American energy companies are expected.

Rep. Curt Weldon (R-Pa.) said Bush is keenly aware of Russia's economic interests in Iraq, stemming from a $7 billion to $8 billion debt that Iraq ran up with Moscow before the Gulf War. Weldon, who has cultivated close ties to Putin and Russian parliamentarians, said he believed the Russian leader will support U.S. action in Iraq if he can get private assurances from Bush that Russia "will be made whole" financially.

Officials of the Iraqi National Congress said last week that the INC's Washington director, Entifadh K. Qanbar, met with Russian Embassy officials here last month and urged Moscow to begin a dialogue with opponents of Hussein's government.

But even with such groundwork, the chances of a tidy transition in the oil sector appear highly problematic. Rival ethnic groups in Iraq's north are already squabbling over the the giant Kirkuk oil field, which Arabs, Kurds and minority Turkmen tribesmen are eyeing in the event of Hussein's fall.

Although the volumes have dwindled in recent months, the United States was importing nearly 1 million barrels of Iraqi oil a day at the start of the year. Even so, American oil companies have been banished from direct involvement in Iraq since the late 1980s, when relations soured between Washington and Baghdad.

Hussein in the 1990s turned to non-American companies to repair fields damaged in the Gulf War and Iraq's earlier war against Iran, and to tap undeveloped reserves, but U.S. government studies say the results have been disappointing.

While Russia's Lukoil negotiated a $4 billion deal in 1997 to develop the 15-billion-barrel West Qurna field in southern Iraq, Lukoil had not commenced work because of U.N. sanctions. Iraq has threatened to void the agreement unless work began immediately.

Last October, the Russian oil services company Slavneft reportedly signed a $52 million service contract to drill at the Tuba field, also in southern Iraq. A proposed $40 billion Iraqi-Russian economic agreement also reportedly includes opportunities for Russian companies to explore for oil in Iraq's western desert.

The French company Total Fina Elf has negotiated for rights to develop the huge Majnoon field, near the Iranian border, which may contain up to 30 billion barrels of oil. But in July 2001, Iraq announced it would no longer give French firms priority in the award of such contracts because of its decision to abide by the sanctions.

Officials of several major firms said they were taking care to avoiding playing any role in the debate in Washington over how to proceed on Iraq. "There's no real upside for American oil companies to take a very aggressive stance at this stage. There'll be plenty of time in the future," said James Lucier, an oil analyst with Prudential Securities.

But with the end of sanctions that likely would come with Hussein's ouster, companies such as ExxonMobil and ChevronTexaco would almost assuredly play a role, industry officials said. "There's not an oil company out there that wouldn't be interested in Iraq," one analyst said.

1- I love you!
2- The check is in the mail!
3- I wont cum in your mouth!
LMFAO, If it was only about oil the US wouldn't ask anyone they would just take.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

New member
Sep 20, 2004
rfc great to see another leftist in here.
out surely he signed it but some veterans told me they were not prepared to fight in Baghdad as well as they were not having the right stuff. even now the UK troops have problems with their boots which are not ok for fighting in the desert.
Then there are no, no confirmed links between saddam and al quaida. i guesse you heard what bin laden said about saddam a short while ago and do you think he would do that if they had close links.
Yes all the countries listed in the article have more interest in the oil. The US has a different motivation. The US is not going to war to take over Iraq and their oil.......

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

New member
Sep 20, 2004
out when one nation starts a war against a nation with high rescources the past tells us that others join the for getting a piece of the cake. that is why the UK joined you. They will stay involved into the region. But what the heck is going on in Aznars mind - I have no clue.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
you guys are all pissed about us, the germans. do you know that we have troops being deplyed in kuwait for securing your troops. that are some abc troops because they are known as the best ones in the world. furthermore medical units and a medical plane being ready for taking wounded troops to Germany. Furthemore most of the AWACS crews are germans as well as we have troops deployed in Turkey with Patriot systems.
btw your last post is totally laughable
i was in the us military in 1991 and we wanted to push on to bagdad to finish the job. the us leftest and the un prevented the completion of the job.

there was nothing between the marines and bagdad except air. the iraqi military was in full retreat and we could have destroyed 90% of all their tanks and pieces if given the go ahead instead Bush Sr. listened to the un and let them retreat. boots or no boots it would have been done in two days.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

New member
Sep 20, 2004
the iraqi mil was not in full retreat it was destroyed. however if you were in an infantry unit you should know that a house to house fight in a city as large as baghdad is can not be done in days. if you want to avoid heavy losses it takes weeks. the point is not reaching a town it is getting into it.
btw i am 100 % sure that they start tomorrow or the day after. i was on nightshift on 9/11 and it was a nightmare with all the incoming traffic. I am on nightshift tomorrow and the day after so i could bet on the start of the campaign starting on one of these nights
the us destroyed many tanks, however, the us was ordered to allow some units to retreat with tanks and other weapons that could have been destroyed.

In 1991 if the us would have continued to bagdad the iraqi people would have turned on saddam and we wouldn't be in this mess today. soon we'll see, his own generals may kill him when we surround bagdad.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

New member
Sep 20, 2004
none of his generals will kill him as they are mostly from his hometown or close relatives
we'll see. saddam has killed many close to him over the years for plotting to kill him.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

New member
Sep 20, 2004
and exactly that is the fact why he has the right people from his sight around him

Andersen celebrates his 39-yard NFC Championship w
Sep 21, 2004
. why didn't the US just take the oil in Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia in 1991? What Army was going to stop the US?

Because we can't there is this big country Called China that holds big bombs and has alot of people.

2. Why doesn't the US just take over Venezuela and take all the oil?

Because we can't there is this big country Called China that holds big bombs and has alot of people

3. The people will not fight the US troops. The people will welcome the US with open arms. It's over for Saddam.

Because we can't there is this big country Called China that holds big bombs and has alot of people

New member
Sep 20, 2004
codeworks this is what i said in the beginning. at some point the US will come back to Germany, France and Russia because they need us and
Because there is this big country called China that holds big bombs and has alot of people
with your thinking the US will not invade iraq in a matter of days then. we'll see if China prevents that.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

New member
Sep 20, 2004
think about china in the mid or long-term not about the current situation
I know that China is not a friend of the US.

I also know that up until Clintoon allowed missile secrets to be sold to the Chinese they could not hit us with NUKES now they can. One more great thing Clintoon did for peace.

The Chinese have other things that concern them right now.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

New member
Sep 20, 2004
once again think about china in the mid or long-term not about the current situation

and therefore the USA will need all of their Allies not only Spain (
) and the UK
Sep 21, 2004
okay....No US president would "just take". As much as we like to consider ourselves the cowboys of the world this is simply not true. Even the mighty pres. is held bound against the temptation of a rush to power.
There will come a time when the US might have to resort-- out of desperation-- to simply ignoring world opinion and the UN but for now, for a first term president, that is simply too costly a move (Both Bush Sr. and Jr. got hands in iraq during their first term)
If W. refuses learn a bit from history, he will not be reelected.

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