I'm not going to comment on the theories about the attacks, but since my name was brought up, I'll chime in.
Here is what I know first hand, no speculating:
I have seen emails from high ups at CRIS saying they will do whatever they can to stop SportsOptions from succeeding.
Don Best just tried to hire some of our key guys, and there were IMs and emails from the high ups at CRIS sent to one of these guys.
I was told by a high up at Don Best that the high ups at CRIS have the final decisions on Don Best dealings.
Don Best is suing me for a second time. We have already gone through a preliminary injunction hearing and the judge basically told them that they have no chance of winning, yet they are continuing on. Clearly they are just trying to bog us down in legal action.
Another fact: No other line service has made the impact that SportsOptions has in its first year in business.
So it seems like we have a bunch of power driven egos combined with a large investment causing some desperate actions.
I've sat on my hands during all of this, but no longer. I have tried to work things out with all parties involved, and I now realize that the only solution they want for everybody to close their doors so they can have the customers by the balls.