So who started the 666 Satanic symbol after making a 3 pointer in NCAA BB?

Sep 21, 2004

Now we've 2 posters that believe Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, Jay-c, Beyonce, many elite basketball players, possibly William Shatner, Penny Marshall, etc. are Satinist. Well shame on you for believing this and patting Illini on the back for starting these rumors.

When I hear Illini claiming Justin Timberlake is a satinist and Lady Gaga and anybody that makes the OK sign I lost respect for everything else he has to say.

Those are awful bold accuasations to be making. I ask would Justin T or Lady Gaga admit to these accusations or would they deny them? Are satinist proud to be to be satinist, like Illini,Falls, Tebow are proud to be Christians? Just asking, because I know Illini has the answer.

I'm not sure what a "satinist" is... Is that like someone who works at Bed, Bath and Beyond?

May 31, 2011
Everyone is doing it now, Brady Heslip the number one offender. I don't think these kids have any idea what it means.

Unless I'm misunderstanding, you're asking why players make the "OK" symbol after making a three pointer. In case you're not joking, the OK symbol is what referees use to indicate a successful three pointer to the scorer:


Rx Dragon Puller
Jan 15, 2009
This is borderline insanity when you look for symbols to represent a form of evil which may or may not exist depending on your religious views. I for one think its all for show ( nothing satanic or religious ) and when your day to day life is picking away at hand gestures made by athletes and interpreting them to be evil is one line past KOO KOO.

New member
Sep 13, 2005
I'm not sure what a "satinist" is... Is that like someone who works at Bed, Bath and Beyond?

LOL, Sorry for the spelling mistake but I hope you understood. I don't even know how to spell satanism. Let alone knowing the ok sign meaning "Go Satan!"

Unreal, Illini thinks Justin T. is laughing his ass off when he watches a basketball with a lot of three pointers being made.

I'd still like my question answered. Is Justin T. proud of being a satanist? Does he admit to this?

New member
Sep 13, 2005
Well I asked 6 co-workers of mine if the knew what this sign was. They all said it meant AOK. None of them ever heard of it being the symbol for Satan.

I would say a huge majority of the world "over 95%" doesn't know that there is a symbol for Satan!

New member
Mar 2, 2006
LOL, Sorry for the spelling mistake but I hope you understood. I don't even know how to spell satanism. Let alone knowing the ok sign meaning "Go Satan!"

Unreal, Illini thinks Justin T. is laughing his ass off when he watches a basketball with a lot of three pointers being made.

I'd still like my question answered. Is Justin T. proud of being a satanist? Does he admit to this?

Is this why Hank Gathers Died early? LMU was making too many 3 pointers? However, Gathers wasn't the one shooting them, it was Kimble and Jeff Fryer. Wonder why they didn't drop dead instead?

Illini, do you think you are fat because Jesus wants you to be fat or just because you are lazy?

New member
Sep 4, 2006
When Lady Gaga wears a baphoment hair thing and throws up the threesix I preeeettttaaaayyyyyy pretttay sure she's down with Lucifer.

New member
Sep 13, 2005
When Lady Gaga wears a baphoment hair thing and throws up the threesix I preeeettttaaaayyyyyy pretttay sure she's down with Lucifer.

Are you Pretttay sure she's proud to be a devil worphisure, and does she amitt to it?

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
I'm not sure what this statement is supposed to prove.

Just because they wrote portions of the Bible, didn't mean they had to
understand 16th century or even 21st century science (ahead of time).

There are things about quantum physics that will be discovered in the next 100
years that scientists have no clue about now.

Get real, zit. Stop thinking your god is going to be mad at you if you don't make a fool of yourself by trying to defend your beliefs against science. The Greeks were pretty advanced for their time and they believed the sun was a god that rode his fucking chariot across the sky to his palace in the western horizon. The Egyptians, who were scientifically advanced enough in mathematics and science to build the pyramids thought that the sun was Ra on a barge.

The point is, ancient cultures used religion in the place of science. As science discovered the truth, the religions faded away. Your goofy, primitive and childish religious beliefs are the equivalent of still believing that Poseidon is the cause of earthquakes. If you fuckers don't manage to blow up the world, religions will soon fade into history, like they've done in nearly everyone other first world democracy, with the US trailing behind but trending in the right direction.

Sep 21, 2004
Get real, zit. Stop thinking your god is going to be mad at you if you don't make a fool of yourself by trying to defend your beliefs against science. The Greeks were pretty advanced for their time and they believed the sun was a god that rode his fucking chariot across the sky to his palace in the western horizon. The Egyptians, who were scientifically advanced enough in mathematics and science to build the pyramids thought that the sun was Ra on a barge.

The point is, ancient cultures used religion in the place of science. As science discovered the truth, the religions faded away. Your goofy, primitive and childish religious beliefs are the equivalent of still believing that Poseidon is the cause of earthquakes. If you fuckers don't manage to blow up the world, religions will soon fade into history, like they've done in nearly everyone other first world democracy, with the US trailing behind but trending in the right direction.


"If you fuckers don't manage to blow up the world" - Interesting, just to be clear, you are insinuating that Christians want to blow up the world?

As much as you wish it and hate it with a passion, Christianity isn't going to fade away.
Sep 21, 2004
Is this why Hank Gathers Died early? LMU was making too many 3 pointers? However, Gathers wasn't the one shooting them, it was Kimble and Jeff Fryer. Wonder why they didn't drop dead instead?

Illini, do you think you are fat because Jesus wants you to be fat or just because you are lazy?

Are you making personal attacks in this thread because you want to be a prick, or because you just are a prick?

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
"If you fuckers don't manage to blow up the world" - Interesting, just to be clear, you are insinuating that Christians want to blow up the world?

As much as you wish it and hate it with a passion, Christianity isn't going to fade away.

By "you fuckers", I'm referring to religious people. As backward as christianity is, your muslim cohorts are hundreds of years behind you.

I'm sure that there will always be some form of religion. But in 500 years, there will be about as many christians as there are druids today.
Sep 21, 2004
If you read what I wrote, I never once said the ballplayers were Satanists or even that they had a clue what their gestures meant.

Is Timberlake personally a Satan worshipper and participate in satantic rituals? Probably not, he's likely a puppet. Or is it just a coincidence that he holds up a satanic sign and has the word Magic as the name of his album. You can believe that if you want. Or I'm sure that Jay Z came up with Do What Thou Wilt on his own. Haha.
May 31, 2011
By "you fuckers", I'm referring to religious people. As backward as christianity is, your muslim cohorts are hundreds of years behind you.

I'm sure that there will always be some form of religion. But in 500 years, there will be about as many christians as there are druids today.

I completely agree with you that religion will fade in time. However, in my experience, trying to convince a religious person that there is no God is about as pointless banging your head against the wall. In fact, it will probably have the opposite affect. People will commit even more to their religious beliefs (i.e. cognitive dissonance).

As I suspect it was for you, coming to the conclusion that there is no God is a personal journey that requires a rigorously honest evaluation of the mounting scientific evidence (or lack thereof). Most people just aren't willing to embark on that journey because it poses a threat to the comfort of faith.

Let's face it, being an atheist is not easy. In fact, there is some evidence to suggest that we are pre-programmed from birth to believe in a higher power as a way to psychologically deal with the knowledge of our mortality.

That being said, as an atheist, you tend to savor every day you're above ground because you know when it's over, it's over.

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
I completely agree with you that religion will fade in time. However, in my experience, trying to convince a religious person that there is no God is about as pointless banging your head against the wall. In fact, it will probably have the opposite affect. People will commit even more to their religious beliefs (i.e. cognitive dissonance).

100% correct. I grew weary of fighting these battles on the internet, so I've adopted my current strategy of mocking them and pointing out how primitive their beliefs are rather than trying to use logic and reason. Every now and then, I get sucked back in.

As I suspect it was for you, coming to the conclusion that there is no God is a personal journey that requires a rigorously honest evaluation of the mounting scientific evidence (or lack thereof). Most people just aren't willing to embark on that journey because it poses a threat to the comfort of faith.

As Mark Twain said: "The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible".

Or Isaac Asimov: “Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived.”

Let's face it, being an atheist is not easy. In fact, there is some evidence to suggest that we are pre-programmed from birth to believe in a higher power as a way to psychologically deal with the knowledge of our mortality.

That being said, as an atheist, you tend to savor every day you're above ground because you know when it's over, it's over.

I think telling Fundies that their religion is an evolved trait would make their heads explode. :)

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