Benghazi is as relevant as it gets.....period. Oh you use Snopes and accept everything they say and ignore everything they do not. I pointed that out on just one article I checked on them failing to connect dots from Hillary to the Black Panthers with that West Coast law firm she worked for after she graduated. Get real. I have connected the dots. The Kock's are something you brought up not me but they have the freedom of speech just like everyone else. You never connected the dots to Obama or you would have never voted from him. Are you now going to back up and say you didn't vote for him. You do not get the relevance of Benghazi so you are a total waste of time. That alone paints you as the apologist that you are. If you think Hillary should get a pass please relate why you will not ever vote for Hillary and what differentiates her from Obama. I will help you, Soros controls both of them.
Unlike You and your kind Russ, I don't Lie. Of Course I voted for Obama, twice. Given who he ran against, I was and am very happy my decision, and would make it 100 out of 100 times. Your dots are PATHETIC. You call lies truths, and truths lies. Obama was put through the Clinton machine. All the dots were connected. Nothing of substance came up.
Koch brothers have freedom of speech but Soros doesn't?? Soros controls people but the Koch's don't? You're embarrassing. Connect the dots on both, or neither, you old Independent You.
Benghazi has ZERO relevance to anything happening in America today. Horrible tragedy, fully (over)covered, fully explained. Now just have to catch and punish the culprits. ANYONE who is still hung up on Benghazi is a pathetically mind controlled sheep. It's a political talking point at this point, nothing more. I know anyone who brings up Benghazi nowadays is removed from reality, and is incapable of talking logically, without an agenda, about Politics.
I won't vote for Hillary because, among other reasons, she pathetically got up in front of America and blamed the Right Wing for Her Lying Husband getting caught with Monica. She voted for and defended her vote in the travesty of Iraq. She is a vile, lying, war mongering, blame assigning, hypocrite. But she had little to nothing to do with the tragedy in Benghazi, other than being the Sec of State when it happened. Read the bi-partisan report, fool.