This thread should be on Sports Center tonight.
What would be most funny were that to happen is that then a mush thread so legendary that no other mush thread may ever equal it would beat the Trump Thread to 1,000,000 views at The Wire.
When Trump Thread been all the way since January 7, like,
2 months plus toiling towards a Million this damn mush thread would come up and beat it to a Million Views within
2 hours.
Which would be downright Freaky Twilight Zone-like
Cuz JC mushed the Trump Thread this very AM by posting in that thread calling it a
Shit Show.
We might be in a whole Alternative Universe here. JC done teleported us to some other Quasar or some shit.
ESPN finds out about this thread here then the Trump Thread gets beat to a Million Views its gonna take a Subatomic Physics Guru to figure out the mush math involved.