That’s exactly the point. I can do whatever I damn well please. I can vote for anyone I want. I’ll give you a liberal spin, Trump is evolving.That's not the point. You claim a liberal never changes yet you're eager to vote for a former liberal. Makes no sense.
That’s exactly the point. I can do whatever I damn well please. I can vote for anyone I want. I’ll give you a liberal spin, Trump is evolving.
And nice dodge on my question. What possible alternative is there? Enlighten me.
This kind of conservative idiot. And Gary Johnson is not an alternative, at least not a viable one.It's not the point because no one ever said you couldn't do whatever you damn well please. The point is what kind of an idiot claims to be a conservative, says a liberal never changes and then votes for a former liberal for the highest office in the country. The libertarian candidate is an alternative.
Vit knows how I feel about that aspect of Drumpf. He is allowed to disagree with me, and we continue to be fine. He's alot less anti Drumpf that I am, and I'm mainly anti Drumpf because of his Muslim ban and registration policies. They ARE Hitler like, and as a Jew I'm very sensitive to it. Unlike the sick cult down here who have to be lockstep, smart, normal people can disagree.Watch out for the Hitler memes coming your way courtesy of the guesser.
Vit knows how I feel about that aspect of Drumpf. He is allowed to disagree with me, and we continue to be fine. He's alot less anti Drumpf that I am, and I'm mainly anti Drumpf because of his Muslim ban and registration policies. They ARE Hitler like, and as a Jew I'm very sensitive to it. Unlike the sick cult down here who have to be lockstep, smart, normal people can disagree.
This kind of conservative idiot. And Gary Johnson is not an alternative, at least not a viable one.
Hell the media doesn’t even bother to poll him. But by all means, be a hero and stand by your principles.
Vit knows how I feel about that aspect of Drumpf. He is allowed to disagree with me, and we continue to be fine. He's alot less anti Drumpf that I am, and I'm mainly anti Drumpf because of his Muslim ban and registration policies. They ARE Hitler like, and as a Jew I'm very sensitive to it. Unlike the sick cult down here who have to be lockstep, smart, normal people can disagree.
Strange enough as it seems, I actually agree with you for once. So you are anti illegal immigration I assume?
Johnson needs some rich libertarian to pull a Perot and just buy 1/2 hour worth of time on network TV. Only problem is I think the media loves Hillary vs Trump way too much to give him the time of day. It's just two hugely polarizing, divisive figures which makes it a media wet dream.
If he had more name recognition then I absolutely think his message would resonate with a lot of voters across the ideological spectrum. Trump and Hillary are the two most disliked people facing off in a general election ever.
Yeah, honestly the things you cite about welfare and the economy......just doesn't matter that much to me in terms of keeping them out for now. But it's a security issue.....we really have no idea if Muslims being let in are here to hurt us or not. It's a very small percentage that are coming here to do harm but in the words of the boss from movie Goodfellas " why take a chance, at least that's the way I feel about it"
the only thing Ross Perot accomplished was to make sure Bubba was elected twice. It was clearly his objective in 1992, he disliked Poppy
a strong libertarian candidate would guarantee a democratic victory
What sunk his ship was “Read my lips…” of course back then politicians got punished for blatantly lying. Now they get reelected.It's probably all moot, he likely won't get coverage or support but I do think there is a chance he could peel off from both sides. Obviously easier to peel off from Republicans since so many don't even like Trump. Still, a lot of younger Dems hate Hillary and they like his message on criminal justice reform, social issues and foreign policy. The caveat emptor with libertarians is always that they're way too isolationist with foreign policy, but I think once you get that 1st national security briefing that it changes your perspective pretty quickly.
He doesn't come off as a kook like Perot or Paul. Just a regular politician that happens to be fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Which is a view most Americans align with.
Re: Bush1. He really got a raw deal with the Perot thing. If he could've hung on for a 2nd term and was able to ride the initial wave of the tech boom he would've left the country with a strong economy and been considered 1 of the most successful presidents ever. The times make the man just as much as the man makes the times.
What sunk his ship was “Read my lips…” of course back then politicians got punished for blatantly lying. Now they get reelected.