That sounds good but how does it happen? if you have any ideas how to make the world wake up tomorrow without islam and make every quaran disappear please offer them up
Ask and Ye Shall Receive.
This is what eventually happens anyways, if you really want to solve this problem there is an answer and very little co-inkydinky that it gets presented to you so near to Independence Day. Yeah, it happens eventually anyways whether it happens within our Lifetimes is not a thing that can be "known" but you asked for the answer and whoever Steps Up to the Plate with this, gets this organized Rallys The People (
which will be very very easy) will have all the Fame Fortune, Praise, awestruck reverance of the masses that they could ever have dreamed of having.
Thats just a "fringe benefit", all that stuff and it (
also eventually) proves to be more a curse than it is a Blessing but someone will be The One to put this solution out there and then what follows does.
Will It Be You?
Wanna be the most Famous Man who ever lived on this planet?
More Importantly....wanna be the one who Saves Her?
Some One is going to. Like I said.....eventually.
prefer it be soon.
As I said in another post, Governments, TPTB are an obstacle, location of Israel and The Holy Land and other similar things are obstacles as well.
Far far far from insurmountable though. Nowhere even close to Insurmountable.
Whoever is brave enough to be The One will see a Tidal Wave of Support from a larger number of people than you'd believe if I tossed out a number of those who will support them in this solution.
Governments are gonna be a Bear, well multiple Bears and (s)he who Steps Up will basically be Leonard Di'Caprio.