So, apparently Im a racist POS...

Feb 6, 2007
Still waiting on you to define a MASS SHOOTING! If no response, I will just use Democrat Nancy Pelosi's definition, so that way I cant be accused of being Biased against Liberals or Women

Colombine, Auroa movie theatre, South Carolina church, Las Vegas. All crazy white guys or kids. That’s just off the top of my head.

May 27, 2007
Colombine, Auroa movie theatre, South Carolina church, Las Vegas. All crazy white guys or kids. That’s just off the top of my head.

Whether a shooting happens in a movie theater or in inner city Chicago, it really doesn't matter what the race of the shooter is. They're all unfortunate.

Mar 6, 2019
Newsweek's claim is literally accurate. But it's worth noting the imprecision of this data, and the percentage of mass shootings by white men is lower than their share of the male population
Also I would like to see a citation for this claim. Please show me a stat expressing the percentage of white males in America vs other ethnicities
Feb 6, 2007
Whether a shooting happens in a movie theater or in inner city Chicago, it really doesn't matter what the race of the shooter is. They're all unfortunate.

Lol you’re an idiot. It does matter when your intention is to start a race war or to kill as many of people as possible. That’s some white people shit. That’s fact.

May 27, 2007
Lol you’re an idiot. It does matter when your intention is to start a race war or to kill as many of people as possible. That’s some white people shit. That’s fact.

At the end of the day, I'm not sure the families of people killed by gun violence really care what race a shooter is that killed their loved one. Maybe politicians and pundits care and maybe cops care so it can help them establish profiles with hopes of preventing future shootings but family members want to grieve.

Rx Alchemist.
Aug 16, 2007
when your intention is to start a race war or to kill as many of people as possible.

Preach brotha.


Mar 6, 2019
At the end of the day, I'm not sure the families of people killed by gun violence really care what race a shooter is that killed their loved one. Maybe politicians and pundits care and maybe cops care so it can help them establish profiles with hopes of preventing future shootings but family members want to grieve.
I disagree with this assessment a bit. I think the family members of gang members understand to a point that the life that was lost was due to an inherent risk in the life the slain had chosen for themselves due to their current societal/economic place that they were born into. These are the types of killings that Trends is trying his best to co-mingle into the issue that I raised in my assertion, insofar as the random nutcase who wants to kill as many random people as possible is typically a white person

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
I disagree with this assessment a bit. I think the family members of gang members understand to a point that the life that was lost was due to an inherent risk in the life the slain had chosen for themselves due to their current societal/economic place that they were born into. These are the types of killings that Trends is trying his best to co-mingle into the issue that I raised in my assertion, insofar as the random nutcase who wants to kill as many random people as possible is typically a white person


So what is your point?

NFLT is a racist because he points out crime statistics but doesn't include and asterisk about Paddack?

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Also I would like to see a citation for this claim. Please show me a stat expressing the percentage of white males in America vs other ethnicities

thats from the Politifact article you posted... you didnt read it?

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Colombine, Auroa movie theatre, South Carolina church, Las Vegas. All crazy white guys or kids. That’s just off the top of my head.

Why did ya leave out San Bernadino, Fort Hood, Pulse Nightclub, Virginia Beach, Mercy Hospital, Fifth Third, Capitol Gazette, Fresno Downtown.... and I can name DOZENS of others you missed!

Want to wager on ALL crazy white guys or kids? HOW MUCH? $1000?

New member
Aug 28, 2012
I disagree with this assessment a bit. I think the family members of gang members understand to a point that the life that was lost was due to an inherent risk in the life the slain had chosen for themselves due to their current societal/economic place that they were born into. These are the types of killings that Trends is trying his best to co-mingle into the issue that I raised in my assertion, insofar as the random nutcase who wants to kill as many random people as possible is typically a white person

Newsweek, for instance, ran a story with the headline, “White men have committed more mass shootings than any other group.”

Politifact examined this claim and found it be technically true, with some important caveats:

Newsweek based its claim on data from Mother Jones, which defines a public mass shooting as an incident in which the motive appeared to be indiscriminate killing and a lone gunman took the lives of at least three people. Under this definition, Mother Jones found that non-Hispanic white men have been responsible for 54 percent of mass shootings since August 1982. Another tally, with a longer timeline and a different definition of mass shooting, found non-Hispanic white men make up 63 percent of these attacks. Under both definitions and datasets, white men have committed more mass shootings than any other ethnicity group. Newsweek’s claim is literally accurate. But it’s worth noting the imprecision of this data, and the percentage of mass shootings by white men is lower than their share of the male population, according to Mother Jones.

It’s also important to note that the Newsweek and Mother Jones analysis only examined one of the three types of mass shootings—public mass killings—which also happens to be the rarest type, though the kind most conforming to social assumptions and expectations.

Despite the widespread perception that mass shooters are overwhelmingly white males, researchers have found that white men are not overrepresented among mass shooters. In other words, white men are no more likely than other male demographic to engage in a mass shooting. Daniel Engber, writing for Slate, noted that mass shooters are not disproportionately white male. He writes that “the notion that white men of privilege are disproportionately represented among mass shooters—indeed, that they make up ‘nearly all’ of them—is a myth.” A widely referenced analysis by Mother Jones (mentioned earlier) found that “white people weren’t overrepresented among mass shooters. The media outlet had found that roughly 70 percent of the shooters in mass killings were white—certainly a majority. But according to Census Bureau estimates for 2012, whites accounted for 73.9 percent of all Americans.” In other words, there are more white men in America than there are Asian, black, or Hispanic men, and therefore there are more white shooters. This, too, is unremarkable and expected, though the nuance is lost on many who claim, for example, that “90% of mass shootings are committed by whites.”

The Slate article goes into some detail about differing statistical analyses, and I recommend it for an insightful glimpse into just how different methodologies—each as valid as the next—can result in different numbers. In the end, Engber notes:

The whites-are-overrepresented-among-mass-shooters meme does serve a useful purpose in that it helps displace another myth about mass shootings: that they’re most often perpetrated by angry immigrants from travel-banned countries, and that nothing is more dangerous to America that the scourge of Islamic terrorism. … These are worthy ends, but we shouldn’t have to build another myth to reach them.”

In other words, as skeptics and critical thinkers know, debunking a myth with another myth is a problematic path. We can all agree that mass shootings are a serious social problem—and that the threat posed by immigrants and Muslims are often greatly exaggerated—without fabricating factoids about how common white (or black) male mass shooters are. It’s not a zero-sum game.

Men in general and across cultures commit more violence than women do—whether in the context of a mass shooting or a fistfight—so that’s no surprise. Beyond that, the collective data suggest that, across all three types of mass shootings, the races commit mass shootings at about what we’d expect based on their representative demographics. No single race emerges as an obvious mass shooter threat.

Nevertheless, some memes circulating on social media go so far as to claim that white males are solely responsible for mass shootings; one from Occupy Democrats circulating in July 2018 claimed “154 mass shootings this year and not one committed by a black man or an illegal alien. Let that sink in.” It’s a bold and damning claim—and it’s also completely false.

As we saw in the first article in this series, there is no single universal definition of “mass shooting,” so there is not a single “correct” number of mass shootings in America. As with “school shooting,” it depends on how you count them. Do you mean armed adults or teenagers showing up at a school with the intent to kill students, or do you mean a police officer’s accidental weapon discharge after hours in an empty college parking lot in which no one was injured? Or gunfire at a bar near campus in a drunken altercation?

Looking at school shootings specifically, a recent New York Times analysis identified 111 cases since 1970 “that met the F.B.I.’s definition for an active-shooter scenario, in which an assailant is actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people, on school property or inside school buildings. It excluded episodes that fit more typical patterns of gun violence such as targeted attacks, gang shootings and suicides.” It also excluded incidents at colleges and universities.

It found that the majority of shooters were young white males (average age about fifteen), many of them current or former students of the schools where they opened fire. The analysis noted that such “active shooter” incidents, though generating much media coverage, “account for only a small fraction of the episodes of gun violence that children experience in American schools. Other cases might include a student showing off a gun to friends in the hallway, the accidental discharge of a school resource officer’s gun, or a gang-related drive-by shooting at a school bus stop.”

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Lol you’re an idiot. It does matter when your intention is to start a race war or to kill as many of people as possible. That’s some white people shit. That’s fact.

There Is No ‘Typical’ Mass Shooter
There is no single accurate profile of a mass shooter. It really depends on what type of mass shooting you’re talking about. Several of the highest-profile mass shootings in recent memory (the rare “public mass killing” category) were committed by white males, such as the 2017 Las Vegas attack by Stephen Paddock. But much beyond that, the stereotype breaks down; Muslim man Omar Mateen killed forty-nine people at a Florida nightclub in 2016 on behalf of a terrorism group; white male Adam Lanza killed twenty-seven people in 2012 at an elementary school, though Asian student Seung-Hui Cho killed thirty-two people on the Virginia Tech campus in 2007. And so on.

The New York Times noted that “As convenient as it would be, there is no one-size-fits-all profile of who carries out mass shootings in the United States. About the only thing almost all of them have in common is that they are men. But those men come from varying backgrounds, with different mental health diagnoses and criminal histories.” Mass shootings with white victims tend to get more attention, both from journalists and those on social media, than those with victims who are people of color. This is a well-known pattern and explains why the public is quicker to react to a missing young blonde girl than a missing young black girl (for more on this see my book Media Mythmakers).

Focusing on the statistically rare but high-profile mass shootings makes for sensational news coverage and concern but doesn’t address far greater dangers. Similarly, focusing on the handful of high-profile mass shootings in which dozens are killed at a time—or for that matter serial killers, who prey on multiple victims over months, years, or decades—doesn’t help the public determine their individual risk. Any one of us could be killed at any moment by a mass shooter or serial killer, but the chances of it happening are so remote that it’s pointless to worry about, and there’s not much we can do to prevent it anyway.

The question of the “typical mass shooter profile” is a red herring. As simplistic and satisfying as it would be, no single demographic emerges from the data as “the typical mass shooter.” It depends on what type of mass shooting you’re looking at, but in any event, focusing on the race or gender of mass shooters is not helpful for the general public; it is not predictive of who is likely to engage in gun violence. Singling out any specific race as being dangerous—or, worse yet, highlighting rare anecdotal violent incidents as representative of larger groups—is more likely to fuel racism than help the public. Unless you’re a criminologist or social scientist aggregating data, it doesn’t really tell you anything useful. It doesn’t help you decide who to watch out for and who to avoid. The percentage of mass shooters in any demographic is vanishingly small, and the chances of being killed in a mass shooting is even smaller.

New member
Aug 28, 2012

Mar 6, 2019

So what is your point?

NFLT is a racist because he points out crime statistics but doesn't include and asterisk about Paddack?
You read the whole thread fuckboy? If you had, you wouldn’t have asked such a stupid question

Feb 19, 2011
Can someone please win a 2 year ban bet with Vittard again. He has shit this place up again

Mar 6, 2019
I’ll do a ban bet with you. What parameters would you like? Month long baseball totals sounds fine by me. I see you haven’t made a sports related post since the NBA Finals. Perhaps you should have taken my spot play tonight bitch
Jan 12, 2019
Name a thread that the warehouse hourly worker isn’t arguing with someone in.

it has been pointed out to you that you don’t count and are flat out wrong. Just like the other liberals out there that thinks feelings out TRUMP facts.

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