printing monies, inflating assets . Moral hazards. it will be intersting once the govt monies paying people to stay home comes to an end. As as well delayed martgage payments. Real estate , of course , ie very much regional
I own 3 properties. My house is modest , not in an exclusive area. I could sell it for over 1 million , that's how sad/insane my neck of the woods has become. The other properties i rent out and they r mortgaged; mortgage is up in Sept and i renewed yesteray for both. My previous mortgages were 4 yr fixed at 2.39%. I renewed for 2.07% fixed for 5 yrs, lol. Variable is under 2%! Basically handing out monies.
Generationally sad times for the youngsters ; inflated educational costs and grossly inflated housing. Debt slaves . Our eldest finishes his 5 yr program in manaement engineering- cost me over $100,000. I did 7 yrs of Univeristy whcih included 4 yrs in a professional faculty - my TOTAL cost was 1/4 that.