SIRBET -- very SERIOUS question for you about your INTEGRITY and not returning phone calls concerning PAYOUT requests


New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by platinumplays:
i won't say, and hope there is a little integrity left in the world<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well I have you on a tape recorded message making threats to a person, his wife and children..

You are a class act just like Sirbet.

New member
Dec 20, 2002
Ham said:

"None of those errors approaches the magnitude of this error committed by Sirbet"
Here is what dogball said:

'I played philly -133 for a dime and Philly -1.5 Runs +135 for a nickel, but the record showed both plays for a dime."

My William Hill error was them typing in -300 (1/3) instead of +300 (3/1) on a $1,500 bet, so yes, my error (if not corrected) would have probably been more costly than this one of dogballs.

... or were you referring to the mysterious $3 Parlay as being the "Mother of All Errors by a Sportsbook" ?


By the way, I'm not defending this sportsbook in particular, I'm defending "the situation". These errors in themselves are of a relatively minor nature in the big picture, as long as they are corrected..

Any of this other "behind the scenes" stuff you are now talking about, I know nothing about, so I will not comment one way or the other on that.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
It is obvious that Hounds & Begs has an agenda with his constant ranting and raving. Why isn't Dogball bothered by this as much as you?? Are you 2 lovers?? Or do you just make it a habit of fighting for other individuals just because you are bored and have no life?? I believe that you and Dognuts are mad at this book for some other reason (probably your own doing) and felt like trying to smear their name on this forum.

Best of luck whiner!!!!!!!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
If you think that those are minor errors that LEGIT shops make all the time, then that makes one of you. Excuse me, I guess that others with a financial interest in excusing Sirbet will also take your position.

It is up to each person to determine whether or not they consider these types of errors acceptable. I accept your position that you do consider Sirbet's errors to be insignificant.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bluevein Throbber:
It is obvious that Hounds & Begs has an agenda with his constant ranting and raving. Why isn't Dogball bothered by this as much as you?? Are you 2 lovers?? Or do you just make it a habit of fighting for other individuals just because you are bored and have no life?? I believe that you and Dognuts are mad at this book for some other reason (probably your own doing) and felt like trying to smear their name on this forum.

Best of luck whiner!!!!!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not a problem, but facts are facts and they have been noted above and confirmed by Sirbet. Why do you come to this Forum? It must be for some reason other than to learn facts about offshore sportsbooks.


New member
Dec 20, 2002
"If you think that those are minor errors that LEGIT shops make all the time, then that makes one of you."


I suspect there are more.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I come to these forums to spot posters with agendas. You my friend are busted. You are to stupid to even disguise it.

Sep 21, 2004
Platinum plays is the poster formerly known and many times banned " Henman" .
He would not know what integrity was if it was staring him in the face. He stalks many posters here and if he pushes the wrong button will end up in severe distress. His boss at Sirbet has allready directed him to shut his sissy mouth, I trust he will listen like a good bitch.

As for my comments on the entire situation, Please allow me appropriate private time to think the whole matter through . I am having conversations with several people on this matter and will , No matter the conclusion, discuss the relevant facts with all interested.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bluevein Throbber:
I come to these forums to spot posters with agendas. You my friend are busted. You are to stupid to even disguise it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You browse the internet to "spot posters with agendas"

Sounds like a good life. LOL

What is the agenda anyway? Fill me in, please. thanks

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hamneggs:
look at all the Mods backing this advertiser book


Hammy - while it is nice to be told I am right every once in a while (it doesn't happen often
) you are anything but right from what I have read here. PLEASE tell me there is more to the story than what I am reading! SirBet made a couple of mistakes and then came to the forum both admitting the mistakes AND apologizing for them. Even told us why they may have happened. Yet that not only isn't good enough for you it seems to have gotten you worked up even more. LOL. Take my advice, handle things on a case to case basis if you are really trying to help someone Hammy. If I feel a mod or Ken or anyone else has handled something wrong in the past doesn't mean it will apply to every situation from there on out. I have to say from what I see here you are completely out of line on this. With all my work with TOP and knowing all the gamblers I do I have never fielded one complaint about this book. Would we like to see a book NEVER make a mistake of any kind? Sure but that's not really feasible now is it. These days with many active scammers out there posing as books and trying to think of ways to seperate post up players from their money it is not cool to be wasting time if this books only error is a couple of mistakes on a software upgrade. Give me a break Ham. When you do things like this and try and ruin a good book you not only hurt your future reputation you also can hurt a lot of hard working folks. Please think before you type. BTW if information is coming where they are stiffing people or anything else like that I will be the first to join you. However barring that right now it looks like you are trying to rake a book over the coals just for the hell of it out in the forums. I hope that's not the case Hammy you are better than this.

As far as Dog, I'm not sure what the story is here or how he fits in but this is a VERY highly respected friend of mine. I have gone my rounds with him in the past but now would actively seek this guy out for his opinion on my personal matters. That's how much I look up to him. I am sure whatever it is will be resolved amiably if Dogball is involved.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Maybe I am more skeptical than you? I do not believe the software story, sorry. I do not believe that a legit sportsbook would make errors of this magnitude. I have emailed Corby@Sirbet and we will find out if he is willing to provide the details of this "software" problem. Come on, Pat, isn't it nice to blame things on software? It is particularly curious when the company fails to mention the name of the software company or describe any measures that it took to remedy the error. They probably don't want to name the software company because then it sets them up to get caught in a lie. What other reason is there to refuse a more detailed description? I can really think of none.

I respect your position that I may be blowing smoke here, but I cannot readily excuse a company for making these types of errors.

I have in fact spoken to this guy "JD" who is posting above as platinum plays and he really has made threats towards dogball and his family. I cannot endorse a book that aligns itself with thugs like that. Sirbet's actions are indicative of a sportsbook that intended to take this player for a ride.

If you think that I have posted anything false in this thread, please advise. I heard you dismiss the software issue as though you believe the story on its face. I am probably not as nice a guy as you are Pat. If you are aware of the software that they were using, excuse me I meant the "software interface" (gotta intellectualize it so that people are less likely to inquire
), then please provide those details.

Until I find out EXACTLY how these errors occurred, I will not be prepared to make an excuse for Sirbet. thanks

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> SirBet made a couple of mistakes and then came to the forum both admitting the mistakes AND apologizing for them. Even told us why they may have happened. Yet that not only isn't good enough for you it seems to have gotten you worked up even more. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

A couple of mistakes? LOL, I guess that you can call it what you want. I do not think that they were minor mistakes at all. A 6 team parlay that the player never made? Two losing plays for twice the amount that they were supposed to be? Those are a "couple of mistakes" that I cannot readily overlook.

Please do not pretend as though Sirbet has provided a detailed explanation for their errors which should be adequate to satisfy me. They came in here and said that they were testing a new software interface...then said that they will not be posting anymore but would take emails. They have heretofore refused to respond to my email. What is right about this in your opinion, Pat? How do you justify test driving software on clients when there is real money at stake?

New member
Sep 21, 2004

Feel Free to post below as I edited out the part you have objestions to...

that is fine, Ken, you can edit all of my posts for all I care..sayanora (however u spell that)

[This message was edited by THE SHRINK on May 23, 2003 at 09:16 PM.]

Feb 26, 1999

I have been working on this situtation for the past 2 hours...

I have spoken with Sirbet to hear their side of the story and I have placed a couple of calls into Dogball to hear his side of the story as well....

Since I have yet to speak to DOGBALL, I will only reply briefly at this time.

To answer your question about Sirbet's sofware provider, Sirbet was more than forthcoming when I asked them about it.

They use IGW (Interactive Gaming & Wagering).

This is the exact same software provider that is used by two other very respected sports books, namely VIP SPORTS and GAMEDAY.

The specific version (since you asked) that was used which had faults in it was Version 15, which SIRBET immediately took down and replaced it with version 16.

Since version 16 has been installed, there has not been one error and Sirbet has tested this over and over again.

Being that SIRBET had previously used Version 10 before upgrading to version 15, they admit that they wanted to get to 15 as quickly as possible since they has skipped the other 4 versions in between!

This was a mistake that they readily and openly admit to...

But this has NOTHING to do with the REAL ISSUE at hand, which I am about to get to...

Sirbet has NEVER had ONE SINGLE COMPLAINT lodged against them by any of the other gambler we referred to them...

And, no one else on any forum that I am aware of, has ever had a problem with SIRBET...

I also am in possession of a copy of a very threatening internet conversation that took place between you and one of their customer service representatives today, where you tried to bully them around and use this forum to your advantage.

I will refrain for now, until I speak with DOGBALL, from putting the exact copy of your last of 6 conversations with SIRBET on this forum for all to witness.

Dogball, please give me back a return phone call so I don't have to continue my dialogue with this babbling idiot with such a transparent agenda!


[This message was edited by THE SHRINK on May 24, 2003 at 10:36 AM.]

Sep 21, 2004
When you assume, you make an ass out of you and me. I tried to call you around 6 pm and left you a voicemail. How dare you suggest I am in collusion with anyone before hearing the facts.

Ham was privy to the facts because last night he was one of 3 people in a chat with me and the sirbet agent.

I cannot call you into about 1130 est tonight bc I have a pregnant wife driving me crazy. More importantly, now that i have read your comments whcih indicate you have your mind made up allready, I wil leave it in the professional hands of Pat Irish, who I have spoken to about this issue. I spoke at length today to General, fyi and I wonder if he has filled you in. Your post leaves me litle room but to demonstrate all the facts, including there representatives IM to me, which are very unflattering.
I have all the tapes as well, including corby providing 3 different explanations as to why I was not paid the last two weeks when I was owed money.

You want me to call late tonight, let me know
Thanks Pat for your objective opinion and looking out for the players in a reasonable maner.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I noticed that your post is now missing, LOL. Bodog thread?

I am frankly done with this thread as there appears to be very few people who are concerned about a sportsbook that enters losing plays on behalf of a client and refuses to return a phone call regarding a payout. Do as you wish, control what gets stated here, what gets deleted, etc... as evidenced by your missing post and that elusive Bodog thread.

btw, I really like how you provided us with examples of Uncle's posts that caused you to abruptly terminate him. I like how you just ignored The General's post to Joey C...just ignore the things that don't serve you.

"American Idol Capping Expert"
Jul 20, 2001
hammy - do you think you are a big shot because you are in law school? i mean get off the high horse and think logically for once son!!!!!

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