so I heard a sound clip from the Democratic debate on my drive to work. Hillary said she voted for the bailouts AND they saved the auto industry. Sanders would have let the auto industry die.
She received a loud round of applause for this idiocy.
Tell me, how can we possibly reach these people? I've accepted the fact that it's not plausible, they're simpletons and they're going to die simpletons
it's easier to teach baboons new tricks than it is to teach buffoons something, they just ain't got "it"
Kind of similar to when Bernie, during one of his primary victory speeches, declared "the pharmaceutical industry made $45B in profits last year!" (Loud boos from the audience).
"When I'm president, I'm going to reign in Wall Street!" (thunderous applause from the dipshits in the crowd).
I'm just curious about two things...
1. What exactly is the problem with pharmaceutical companies making a profit? How does that make the lives of these people in attendance worse? And if those companies were shut down, where the hell would new medicine come from? Lemme guess...the government?
2. Anyone have any clue wtf "reigning in Wall Street" entails, and how precisely doing so would make the lives of those cheering any better?
It really blows me away that nameless, faceless boogeymen can be propped up and used as objects of hatred...which somehow translates into support for a political candidate. There are some truly, truly dumb mother fuckers walking the face of this earth. That's who the dimocrap party caters to in an effort to land votes.
I've always said that in order to vote on certain issues, those voters should need to pass some kind of test. For ex, if you're voting on a property tax increase, some very basic property knowledge should be required. Same for sales tax increases (basic economic knowledge), city zoning issues (basic real estate knowledge), etc. You get the idea. If you have absolutely no idea what you're voting on, why the fuck should your vote count?
Except dimocraps would be the first in line to block that. It'd be classified as, like, voter suppression...or something. And it pretty much proves they rely on the stupidity of their base to peddle their shitty agenda. Gruber wasn't kidding...and that's been about the only honest thing we've heard from any dimocrap since the Stuttering Clusterfuck took over.