still waiting for the lineup... where have u been fear.. we miss you at the cappers site. football is here fear. you ready? how are you doing so far in preseason?
First Joshknows now you to simplebet. This is dante9876. Nice job on the bigstick buddy. Cant wait for the football bigsticks. Get that big ten brain working.
First Joshknows now you to simplebet. This is dante9876. Nice job on the bigstick buddy. Cant wait for the football bigsticks. Get that big ten brain working.
Damn everybody is here. Im chatting with yall at two different places at the same time. LOL. Whats up EPS. If cards would have lost yesterday like they was suppose to I would be on the cards hard tonight. Now I dont know.
Wager Type Risk Amount Win Amount Wager Date/Time
Straight 250.00 350.00 08/10/2008 12:01:51 PM
Game Date/Time Game # Team Name Line Status
08/10/2008 08:05:00 PM [965] STL CARDINALS CARPENTER-R Vs. CHI CUBS R DEMPSTER-R +140