Sick Troll Savage1 says he wants Trump to be shot and killed. Ban this troll!!!!


Nov 21, 2008
ABSOLUTELY I am a 100% independent thinker and vote the person and not the party.

As examples, I am AGAINST Gay Marriage, abortions and investigated welfare fraud for 34 years-does that sound like a far left winger??? lol

How can you vote for any Democrat if you're pro life?

Nov 21, 2008
I don't and have not for at least the last ten years.

But you're rooting for Trump not to win reelection meaning a leftist will be in the white house which would only expand abortions killing more babies. How how do you justify that?

Nov 11, 2007
But you're rooting for Trump not to win reelection meaning a leftist will be in the white house which would only expand abortions killing more babies. How how do you justify that?

Hoping/rooting are not the same thing as actually voting as in the latter case, I am actually expressing my view in writing even though obviously

my vote isn't going to decide the Election.

On the other hand rooting for Biden and hoping that Trump encompasses a lot more than the issues of abortion and gay marriage, which are not

the only issues facing the country, issues for which I simply don't believe Trump has done a good job;more importantly I have a strong opinion for what Trump

is as a human being, and which for me leaves a LOT to be desired.

As the saying goes and which applies to Trump vs. Biden in this instance, "Half a loaf is better than none at all."

Jan 13, 2013
As much as everyone would love to paint him as some kind of radical leftist, I'd wager Joe Biden is most uninspiring and as middle of the road as it politically gets. The current guy is just so batshit that a normal fuckin' dude just seems so incredibly different by contrast.

As fun as it is to get a preppers hard on for the oncoming Gov't take over of your guns, livelihoods and freedoms so you can eat all those MREs in the underground bunker while you fight the evil oppressors - I can guarantee you without a doubt that Joe Mayonnaise Biden isn't going to be the guy to do it.

And making a thread to complain about some guy who you now want banned - sure does sound snowflake to me and that you want some kind of government intervention to come handle the problems you cannot deal with... The irony is palpable
Sep 21, 2004
Hoping/rooting are not the same thing as actually voting as in the latter case, I am actually expressing my view in writing even though obviously

my vote isn't going to decide the Election.

On the other hand rooting for Biden and hoping that Trump encompasses a lot more than the issues of abortion and gay marriage, which are not

the only issues facing the country, issues for which I simply don't believe Trump has done a good job;more importantly I have a strong opinion for what Trump

is as a human being, and which for me leaves a LOT to be desired.

As the saying goes and which applies to Trump vs. Biden in this instance, "Half a loaf is better than none at all."

You claim to be against abortion and gay marriage as a matter of principle - but you spend all day long in here cheer-leading for the party of abortion and gay marriage.

You are sick in the head.

Nov 11, 2007
I agree with DosEquis for sure.

I want to add one other comment to what I stated in post 24 in response to a question asked:

I can only speak for myself here, but when I watch and listen to what Trump has to say, from previously watching and listening to

him for 3 1/2 years as well as of course what he has done, a certain composite image comes to mind based on this previous history.

Some of this overall image is based on tangibles but a lot is based on intangibles.

I wish it was easy to separate the tangibles and intangibles and break them down and quantify them, but unfortunately I cannot do so.

Instead as I implied above, I just get an overall composite sense of comfort based on my perceptions based on the criterion above.

In Trump's case I just get an overall feeling that I am NOT comfortable with him and that the country and world

would be better served by giving someone else a chance.

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