Oren, I know you are a great movie-numbers capper, but besides Shrek's mass appeal on many levels, did you not take into account it's release with school ending, or as I noticed due to being a movie-buff, that outside of Troy, there hasn't been a great movie release in quite a while...public is starved for fun blockbuster.
As I think the past 6 months to be one of the worst stretches in years, just look at the teeny crap leading the #'s..albeit it bad #'s..big telltale.
I've tended to note adults liking & describing Shrek & Nemo, as to be in the Lion King's league of broad appeal across many demographics..mainly adult appeal for those w/o kids.
School being out, poor current competition at the theatre, and current heavy atmosphere due to the mideast conflict,etc..must be considered here for draw of happy animation sequel.
Still haven't seen it, and personally would rather repeat viewing of drippy-yet-visual Troy, or 1st viewing of Sharif as Ibrahim.