Should We Blame the Entire Fall of tje Red Sox This Year on Dave Dombrowski


Nov 11, 2007
I don't know how this will go over as I don't know how many Sox diehards like myself are members of RX.

I see no harm in giving it a shot though.

Most folks and especially Sox fans realize this is a hot topic and those who have read my comments of late realize that a difference

of opinion about this topic with the leading moderator at CM was the basis of my ban.

Anyways as most folks believe that the biggest mistake DD made before season began was not filling the void in

the bullpen.

Obviously looking at their record and place in the standings now, that cannot be disputed.

However imo there are lots of other issues which have contributed to their downfall, and I will leave it up to you

to decide whether the fault of Dombrowski that these occurred:

Thus in no particular order I ask whether we should blame the following on the fall of the Red Sox on Dombrowski,

and as some say, fire him now or at end of the season:

1) Can you blame him for the disappointing season of Rick Porcello and especially Chris Sale?

2) Can you blame him for the deplorable record of the Sox at Fenway of 30-32, whereas the Yankees have a record of

47-19 at Yankee Stadium?

3) Can you blame him that the Sox record against AL East is 28-31, including 4-11 against the Yankees and 6-9 against Tampa, whereas

the Yankees are 48-16?

Along the same line can you fault DD that the Sox are 1-7 against Tampa Bay at Fenway!!

4) Can you blame him that despite the fact that the Sox lead the Majors in runs scored, resulting in a good number

of blowouts, but that in a number of close games which they lost, key players did not come through at

important times in the game with men on base?

5) Can you blame DD for the great season in 2018 during which he held out and got a great deal for JD Martinez

and signed him for a lot less than he and his agent, Scott Boras were seeking?

As we all know the season resulted in 108 regular season wins and breezing through the playoffs and


And oh yes, should we "blame him" for signing the likes of Eovaldi, Kinsler and Steve Pearce to ready the Sox

for the playoffs?

6) Should we blame him for the fact that lots of Sox fans are spoiled and feel that at least making the playoffs and perhaps winning the WS

every year are an act of entitlement?

7) Should we blame him for the fact that other teams have got better, and that maybe just maybe some of the Sox losses were

not because of anything DD and/or the Sox players did?

8) Should we blame him for the fact that the first thirteen games this year were on the road, which resulted in a poor start?

9) Should we blame him that the Sox and Cora didn't take Spring Training Games all that seriously

with an arrogant feeling that they were so good, that they could turn it on and off at will?

Along the same lines can we blame DD that starting staff didn't get very much work until near the end of

ST because Cora feared that 4-5 months wasn't enough time for allegedly healthy pitchers to recover from last October?

10) Can we blame him for the fact that unlike last year Cora didn't press all of the right buttons this year as

he did last year?

Along the same lines can we blame DD for resting people on scheduled days off even when in some instances it was the last

game of the series and the Sox were down 0-2 games against very good teams?

11) Can we blame DD of the fact that no team has repeated as WS Champions since the year 2000 for lots of

reasons, which have nothing to do with DD?

Some of these reasons are referenced indirectly above, and I am sure I and all of your folks could think of a lot more.

12) Lastly, can you blame DD for being a member of the human race, meaning that just like all of us he makes good decisions

and sometimes bad ones?

Anyways, above is what comes to mind at the moment, and as always, feel free to comment, agree, disagree or whatever.

Nov 11, 2007
I forgot one VERY important thing is previous post:

13) This one is very speculative because we don't know all the facts here, but can we blame Dave Dombrowski if in fact John Henry set a limit

on how much he intended to spend and possibly even nixed deals which involved shelling out an amount of money for a player that

DD actually wanted to sign?

The obvious implication is that this was hush hush between DD and JH, and no one but them knew about this.

Nov 11, 2007
Since the end of the regular season is drawing near, and there are lots of issue to discuss besides Dave Dombrowski, I decided to expand

this thread to include anything which pertains to the Sox.

So feel free to say anything you want about them.

Speaking of the Sox, Baseball Prospectus, which imo over the years has proven to be a good statistical indicator in baseball, now gives the Sox(not surprisingly)

a less than .02 chance of making the playoffs and ZERO chance of winning the WS.

Here you go:

New member
Jan 11, 2008
As you can see, nobody cares you blowhard. You start the same stupid threads at every forum and you bump them endlessly begging for attention. Fuckin retard.

Nov 11, 2007
As you can see, nobody cares you blowhard. You start the same stupid threads at every forum and you bump them endlessly begging for attention. Fuckin retard.

131 hits in one day-I will take that anytime.

My threads and posts require thinking and an ability to understand-sadly that doesn't include you.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
And not one response you blowhard. If people fuckin cared they would reply after clicking on the thread instead of just leaving

You are nothing but a fuckin attention whore and you always have been. Bump your thread 100 times and play the look at me game. You are good at it. Retard

Nov 11, 2007
And not one response you blowhard. If people fuckin cared they would reply after clicking on the thread instead of just leaving

You are nothing but a fuckin attention whore and you always have been. Bump your thread 100 times and play the look at me game. You are good at it. Retard

How many people have responded and agreed with what you said???

Take a look at the imbecilic/moronic and name-calling threads and conversations which forced it down today.

Perhaps that is more your speed.

If starting a thread about a hot topic such as Dave Dombrowski with some things to consider qualifies as being an attention whore,

then your responses so far indicate a very limited capacity and/or willingness to read and comprehend the subject matter.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Real hot topic you dumb fuck. In case you have not realized it, you are talking to yourself. Only a self absorbed blowhard would talk to himself 3 times in a thread and consider it a hot topic. Retard

Nov 11, 2007
Real hot topic you dumb fuck. In case you have not realized it, you are talking to yourself. Only a self absorbed blowhard would talk to himself 3 times in a thread and consider it a hot topic. Retard

Sorry that doesn't answer the question as to why no one has come forward to agree with you.

Poisoning the well with your insults and name-calling only diminishes what you have to say in the eyes of any intelligent and rational observer.

Perhaps you ought to consider it is you rather than I who is talking to himself with your name-calling and insults.

Imo lots of folks have considered what I have to say in any case, but have not responded because they are not big Red Sox fans, and perhaps

are not as interested as I am.

Actually, I stated that possibility in the very first post.

However I don't know that for sure, and as long as I get hits, I assume there is interest, and I will continue to post ideas and opinions as

they surface.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Of course you will, because you are a self centered, self absorbed, blowhard who lives and dies based on any attention they can get on the internet

Nov 11, 2007
Of course you will, because you are a self centered, self absorbed, blowhard who lives and dies based on any attention they can get on the internet

Yawn-typical name-calling/insult filled response from you when pinned against the ropes, is unable to respond intelligently, and who thinks that by so doing

and slamming down the gavel, it will fly!!

I am sure Wayne and his disciples at CM would be very proud of that response and might even get you some kind of reward, such as

being appointed a moderator over there you did so "well" with your last post.

Nov 11, 2007
From #6 in the first post:

"Should we blame him(Dombrowski) for the fact that lots of Sox fans are spoiled and feel that at least making the playoffs and perhaps winning the WS

every year are an act of entitlement?"

This is the basis for what follows.

Imo and in the opinion of many, the Sox are expected to be a strong contender to win the WS each and every year.

Perhaps it is because it took 86 years before they finally won it all in 2004 followed by three more including 2018, which turned out to be one of the greatest

overall seasons by any team ever.

In addition although the Sox fell short in the playoffs, in both 2016 and 2017, they won their division.

If you accept that premise, here is how I view Dave Dombrowski:

Imo he was hired at end of 2015 after the Sox finished dead last in 2014 and 2015.

Thus in the eyes of John Henry and ownership, change was needed and Ben Cherington, GM, was fired.

Ownership decided they wanted a guy who would take whatever was needed to try to make the team an immediate contender.

As implied above, developing a team slowly takes time and patience, and unlike places like Kansas City, Tampa Bay, Pittsburgh, Detroit, etc.,

and even Houston before they got to be the very good team they are today, most fans in Boston do not and will not accept the slow and

patient approach to this matter.

If it takes shelling out a lot of money for FA's, depleting the farm system in order to get players which can and will win now as opposed

to later(I compare it to folks who want something they order on internet to come with no assembly needed and ready to go right out

of the box), then so be it.

You might compare it to a "hitman" mentality in reverse, where the person to be hired is focused on one thing and one thing only, in this case

winning the WS immediately at all costs.

Well using his past history, the Sox decided to choose Dave Dombrowski because he is/was of that mentality at Detroit.

No, he didn't succeed there but John Henry remembered him well from their prior Miami Marlins days together where they did have some success.

We all know the magnificent success the Sox had in 2018 with their complete domination with a 108 win regular win season and only thee total losses

in playoffs/WS.

However, things took a quick about-face this year with the Sox being a long shot at best at this point just to make the playoffs.

In retrospect, there are lots of reasons as we know for this including most notably the failure of the pitching staff and especially so

with Chris Sale and also Rick Porcello.

In addition, the Sox farm system is rated last or next to last and showed how poor they are when several of the pitchers were called up

due to injuries of the starting staff and fizzled miserably.

My point is that while most Sox fans were elated at how the 2018 season turned out many of the same fans cannot accept the fact that

things have gone so sour so quickly this year and want to blame DD for everything in spite of what he was a big part of last season.

Going back to what I said earlier, perhaps if the mentality of Sox fans and the media had been/is the same as some of those other

cites/teams I mentioned, ie not the must win this year/instant gratification type, the Sox might have been constructed

in a way with a more solid foundation and built to last more than one season.

The best example I can think of in the second instance is the Houston Astros, who after being the doormats of the league for a

number of years, used the "slow and steady wins the race" mentality and which now has a team and organization

very solidly built from the bottom to top which is in a position to compete at the highest level every year

at least for now.

Obviously, it took an entirely different overall mentality on the part of fans and media of Houston from that of Boston to get them to where

they are today.

In closing this segment and in summation, I believe that Dave Dombrowski is actually a product/offshoot philosophically

speaking of the prevailing attitude and expectations of the Sox fanbase and media, which can and has resulted in extremes as

we saw last year and for that matter other years also(finishing last in 2012, winning the WS in 013 and then dead last in 2014 and 2015).

In short, blaming DD and making DD the scapegoat for this season's underperformance is easy and expedient using only

tangible reasons such as not fixing the BP before the season began, etc.

Perhaps for reasons stated, a new type of philosophy and modus operandi is needed by John Henry/Ownership and by Sox fans

and the media, namely one which is realistic and accepts the fact that going all out with the expectations that the Sox are going

to be a strong contender to win WS each and every year, is not going to work and can and will have bad repercussions

looking to future years.

Nov 11, 2007
Sale is done for the year but should avoid Tommy John surgery.

Thanks, Mountain, for the link.

With the chances of just making the playoffs at 2% and virtually zero of winning the WS, according to Baseball Prospectus, which usually is very accurate

in its projections, imo it is obviously a wise choice to sit him down fo the rest of the season.

For that matter, unless there is some kind of miracle in next week or two whereby the Sox get within a couple of games of a wildcard spot,

imo it would probably be wise to reduce the playing time of lots of players including pitchers in order to see if there is

any hope at all as to what is waiting in the wings.

If some Sox fans deem this to be giving up, I say TS, and imo these folks are living in a world of delusion and fantasy.

Nov 11, 2007
Here is what imo is an excellent article about DD and his own realistic feelings about his current status and moving forward:

New member
Jan 11, 2008
savage is a guy that on another forum said he wouldn't trade Mookie Betts SU for Mike Trout because Mookie is a winner and a better player. Yes folks he said this and he defended that comment and doubled down many times.

If that doesn't tell you how much of a "Homer" he is and how little baseball knowledge he has, nothing will.

Nov 11, 2007
savage is a guy that on another forum said he wouldn't trade Mookie Betts SU for Mike Trout because Mookie is a winner and a better player. Yes folks he said this and he defended that comment and doubled down many times.

If that doesn't tell you how much of a "Homer" he is and how little baseball knowledge he has, nothing will.

I said what I did last year when the Sox won 108 games and blew through the playoffs and WS.

He was a better player than Mike Trout last season, plain and simple and the results show it.

As far as doubling down and being a homer, that is pure nonsense.

In fact every time I referred Wayne to my Sox commentary thread at CM last season questioning how good the Sox were, he completely ignored

my request and kept calling me a homer and pink hat.

In reality at least last year, it was he who was the homer, and in one post after another kept bragging about how great the Sox were-I never

did that.

In fact Wayne at one time even admitted he was a homer.

Thus Mr Psychic(or as I suspect a puppet being fed the lines by Wayne), you should get your facts straight.

I am not going to start a discussion in this thread about Mike trout other than to say that he is a great INDIVIDUAL player but until/when/if I see how

he performs and how he leads his team/performs under pressure when they are actually in the hunt(so far they have made the playoffs once in all of the

years he has been there), that's all he is.

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