I think the coin flip has got to be one of the stupidest rules in sports. From my perspective the home team should get the ball first (or decide) as part of home field advantage. Imagine if they flipped a coin in baseball to see who bats first/second? Lame! And for the Super Bowl the team with the better record gets the call.
Well if we're getting rid of the Coin Flip why don't we get rid of all these ridiculous "Holidays" as well? I mean...no one genuinely celebrates this "Thanksgiving" thing its just an excuse to eat Food, Christmas....well need I even SAY....that got lost a long long time ago...Halloween?
Maybe we should just have no Traditions. Nothing of Yesterday should Remain.
Just curl up on a dank musty wet Chalkboard and beg for Oatmeal or Sleep, and be Thankful for whichever comes first.