While The Syrian Crisis has led to a collection of around 4 Million people who were forced to flee Syria that is made up of mostly Women & Children a great deal of those 4 Million are Males aged 18 through 45 and this is the demographic that Germany has accepted the Bulk of and France & Sweden have also accepted in a disproportionate degree, compared to Syrian Women & Children .
Admitting a larger percent of this Violent Militant Aged Muslim based upon a belief that this was the demographic that could best contribute to Growth of an Economy, they'd come in get jobs thus be less of a Burden on the System i.e. handouts from Government.
Thats a Theory at least, for those searching to answer the question:
Or Long Form of this Question: "Why would you willingly invite in this scourge?"
Thing is though.....these Refugee Men get into a nation, they are cast into and confined to areas of the country that become or are already the same festering shitholes much of the middle east that they fled from is with Radical Clerics preaching to them that it is their Duty to carve a World in which Allah is the only God and that exists beneath Shari'a Law.
Which is accurate.....Allah via Mohammed who got Allah's wished delivered to him in a Mystical Manner from The Angel J'abril ("Gabriel") created teachings that demand a world with only Allah as God and Ruled by Clerics under Shari'a Law.
The Refugee Men who get to these countries are told that in order to have the World in which they and all Muslims will have fairness and conditions under which they will know the best lives for them and their families they must eliminate The Devil.
Which is us.
Those who do not worship Allah.
They are told that any suffering they have is a thing they have because they have not fulfilled Allah's desires and until they do they will continue to suffer.
If you can Grasp that, why what we see is happening then you should be able to understand that this is not just the "small % of Islam" problem. Islamic Ideology, at it's core as it's Core Beliefs teaches that Non-Believers in Allah (Infidels) must come to worship Allah or live as servants with no rights (Dhimmi) and no recourse against any bad thing any Muslim would choose to do to them, their wife or children or that the Infidel must die.
Only 3 Options.
Not stuff I am going to explain too many more times
bcuz not enough people are willing at this point to accept that Non-Mulsims have been at war like this with Islam for 1400 years
and too few people care right now to Rise Up Against. Bcuz they figure Odds are they won't get blown up, shot fown or run over by any truck as result of this.
"Others will die yeah.....thats just the way the world is, the likelihood of it happening to ME is small bcuz as CNN tells me....the expert on there....its only a small percent of Islam"
but it has been going on Non-Stop for 1400 years, to some degree or another.
Jumping Off right now bcuz of the Syrian Situation described in my previous post and bcuz of what The Dick Cheney Administration did to Iraq....
Iraq was the equivalent of ripping open a box that was able to contain Millions of Cockroaches (Islamic Fundamentalists) and Syria the same....in both instances, yes, the refugees created are not ALL the insane suicide bombing and terrorist type in fact YES most of them NOT THAT but allow people into a country then cast them unto Muslim Ghettos, fence them into the lowest paying jobs (if any jobs at all), treat them like 2nd Class Citizens and if these people follow a Religion that tells them all will get better if they simply Kill You and mold a World wherein Allah is God
and that the whole reason you are suffering what you are in bcuz you haven't done your part to make such a world.....
.....and this is the result.