omg found another girl in here Hi Devilwoman i guess i can ask to be friends with you.
Btw guys i keep it trimmed bald is nice but today's methods no razors are used with laser technology.
Still some women stink it up down there nothing they can do about it either it's just their way. One of friends is bald because she has that tench even using all the creams lotions and stuff after about 10 hrs she is kicking.
oo about eating the pussy guys not needed just learn to ask questions about your bitch what buttons she has that sends her off like a rocket if she hasn't explored her own G spots get her online to find out where they are. The Inner G spot you need a fairly large woody to reach that spot it's just past the cervix of every gal about 7 " - 7 1/2 deep.
Thats why that old song of Vainity's she recites i need 7" or more. Thats the biggest problem with sex non communication between partners...
Thats why gay couples always work out cause they know what sets them off!
adding pics