We need to start * SHAMING " the Lunatics of society
The Crazies who want Boys 2 use Girls restrooms in our schools , the Crazies who want to loot & pillage ... .. hurt & destroy
The Crazies who think they can just change genders because of how they feel inside , the Crazy Men walking around wearing Lipstick & Dresses
The Crazies who want to Normalize Pedophilia
The Crazies who teach that 2 + 2 equals 5
The Crazies pro moting Satanism
The Crazies who dress up as *FURRIES*
The Crazies who want open borders ,etc,etc
The Crazies always screaming Racist , Homophobe or whatever
The Crazies promoting Abortion , the Crazies who want to Re-Write American History
I think u get where I'm fucking going here huh boys
Call these Crazy bastards out , Shame them Publicly 4 everyone ....... I don't give a shit who they are
Celebrities , Politicians , your Neighbors , your Social Media friends , etc , etc
I mean Seriously ..... WTF! Is Wrong with these people
These Crazy MotherFuckers have been Emboldened because our Sick , Twisted Politicians & Media encourage & promote all this crazy shit ....... GOOD decent people are to blame also
We let these Crazy bastards go on & on because If we did speak-out they would be attack us & call us names
It's time 2 turn the tables on these sick fucks & start Publicly Shaming them
@rwjr has spoken Damnit