Take a break maybe? Even a couple days can help
Just getting started have some good things going on.
I have actually won $ for 4 days in a row now but all my losers are posted.
I know that sounds bad but it is the truth.
You will start seeing some winners just monitor me for a while or bet small.
I named my thread shade or fade for a reason.
The bottom line is I bet with 5Dimes then I make my post.
The final decision is up to the viewer if I was viewing this thread I would fade every single pick for 3 Units each.
I think you know me well enough to know I would fade this thread automatic would not think twice.
Not trying to be funny just telling it like it is.
Thirty days from now I will be up + 12 Units if not I will close the thread.
The last thing I want is for people to lose $ because of my picks.
So again the final decision is up to each individual player.
I am just documenting what I played.