That mjwins shit is a fucking FAKE! They have some guy bobby bonano under the cappers who doesn't even exist, mike jacobs is so poor that they can't even put his name in the white box, and the pictures look like they google imaged them of random homo's. everyday i see that douche leiner spam his shit site all over the forums.
Save yourself the money, or paypal me it, and i'll flip a coin and close my eyes and pick a game for the over. You have a better chance at hitting that. How anyone can go there and think "hmm this is a good investment of my money" is absurd. those guys are PISS POOR. if you wana buy em to fade that might be a better idea cuz otherwise, prepare to bendover and get :hump:
Thanks for all the feedback. My ass does hurt a little from that shit for picks site. I guess I got lucky on his hot total streak. He sucks. Not even fucking close! He's dead to me.:finger: