i never ever said for anyone to purchase his plays the people that was here last year knows how good he is and i'm one of them...he went tout good for him anyone can do anything they want me personally i think his plays are worth 2.85 cents a day......i've bought lovell,stu finer, eddie roman,ness,deangelo you name it none of these guys can shine his shoes IN hockey only though i would not play his football thats not his skill in my opinion.....killa you can do anything you want you can purchase his plays and posts then i won't my word is gold...goodlucki can afford plenty, i have put my share on here but i will choose not to pay 20 bucks or whatever it is for someone that was only mentioned on here because you say he is good and hes such a good friend that you promised not to share. Thats fine but dont try and sell him to the rest of us when you have the plays yourself...thats shady