I will never understand why people in this forum try and call out Jefferson or Chase. Why does it matter even if Jefferson does steal other capper's plays. Why do you care? And don't say you are "just pointing it out, but that you don't really care." If you take the time to point it out, you care for some reason. If you are mad because you think that somehow Jefferson is profiting by stealing plays, then you are just a hater. If that bothers you, or that makes you jealous, then start doing the same thing. Take all the consensus plays and build up a reputation. There is nothing wrong with that. That is not unfair. People need to shut the F* and stop trying to point out that some services have the same plays because it does not matter in the slightest. If you want to whine about it, start a "Jefferson Forum." It's gotten OLD.
Good Luck to everyone. I'm not trying to be an A hole, I am just tired of people saying the same things over and over again. Further, I actually like to see who Jefferson has everyday.
Thanks for posting Jefferson.