Jimbo, Im not hatin on ya or gonna bust your balls. But you dont seem to get the message at all. I, for one, appreciate ANY plays posted on this site ir-regardless if you or Jesus Christ are behind it. But you arent casting a good light upon yourself by just avoiding the DIRECT questioning...makes ya look either stupid or real stupid. fwiw
Great post.
All kidding or insulting aside.
People here and at my site and others are sick of the trying to fool people act.
All of us that have been around seen it a million times.
Just once could a new service try this approach...
Hello I just started a handicapping service.
For the next 30 days I will post my plays here with accurate records.
No gimmicks just a free 30 day trial.
People might be shocked to find out what being honest gets you.
I know guys that sell certain seasons only and they have over 30 loyal season pass customers.
30 might not sound like much. But they don't have to bullshit forum posters hoping for one sale every now and then.
No offense Jimbo. But I know one person on another site bought his plays to fade them.
Most people do fade threads on guys they hope will lose. Not just because they lose.
That is the attitude towards Shiller on multiple sites.
Good for the 10-0 on MLBX.
But no serious service that cares about it's customers would sell pre season plays.
The games are meaningless and so are the results.
I will give you props if your winning money on plays under -140. When the real games start.
Because selling any MLB play over -150 is like charging people to tell them the sky is blue.