From what I have been tracking, his 7* are currently 9-3-0 or 9-2-1. THIS IS THE 1ST. TIME HE HAS RELEASED PLAYS HIGHER THEN 7*...... The bowl games he's posted ranged between 7* & 5*, & the above record is for his 7* GAMES ONLY.
Interesting to see what he does with his 1st ever release of 11* games, of this bowl season. (HAD TO SHOW OFF MY "NURSERY SCHOOL" COLORING, FOR ALL THE "TOUGH GUYS."
** IMO, I WOULD SAY HE IS A "PLAY ON" SERVICE. AGAIN, JUST MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION. AS OF RECENT, W/HIS 7*, THEY HAVE "ALL" BEEN SOLID PLAYS. Very rarely have "I PERSONALLY SEEN" him get totally annihilated w/ any single play, or on any single day.
(Went 2-1 w/ his 7* last night, winning w/ NW & Kansas St, & losing w/ West Virginia)
Lol... internet tough guys. Maybe some would just prefer you not clutter the SERVICE PLAY forum with your opinions and when you do post somewhere (like CHATTER forums) simply post like an adult. I'm guessing however you are a millennial so you simply cannot help yourself.
Sorry for the clutter!
lol... Internet tough guys. Maybe some would just prefer you not clutter the service play forum with your opinions and when you do post somewhere (like chatter forums) simply post like an adult. I'm guessing however you are a millennial so you simply cannot help yourself.
Sorry for the clutter!
someone asked for an opinion on Double Dragon. he gave it. Just move on. If you're that bent out of shape about Carolina...just put him on "Ignore".