So after yesterday's mis post of Youngstown Connection of Yale GOY when it was Fresno vs uNLV winner, you can guess I am very disappointed someone would go out of their way to post a F'up play that cost us all Thousands overall.
Hes hitting just over 77% over Last 26 plays 20-6.
Looking to form a buy group where we would access thru email. Looking to get 10 reliable guys who pre pay $50 ev 2 wks.
If interested contact me
Thank you for posting this. That really sucks. I was at a casino this weekend. That game was an $840 swing for me, now that we know what happened. I'll make note of the poster. Of course, this serves as a reminder that the only way you can be sure you're getting a legit play is either get it from a poster you trust or buy it yourself.