3 units DePaul +13.5 -w
5 units Georgetown -11-L
5 units Syracuse -7.5-L
5 units Northwestern +1-W
5 units Florida St -8-W
5 units USC -7.5-P
5 units Illinois +1.5-L
10 units West pk-P
10 units UNDER 262-P
5 units parlay
on NBA All Star
50 units Wichita State -7.5[/quote-L
Another wonderful day from this loser^<<^
3 units DePaul +13.5 -w
5 units Georgetown -11-L
5 units Syracuse -7.5-L
5 units Northwestern +1-W
5 units Florida St -8-W
5 units USC -7.5-P
5 units Illinois +1.5-L
10 units West pk-P
10 units UNDER 262-P
5 units parlay
on NBA All Star
50 units Wichita State -7.5[/quote-L
Another wonderful day from this loser^<<^
He just consolidates the tout plays available publicly, rates them the highest based on the highest count of touts on a game. Been doinf it for years. He's the double kiss of death.