I have ats and they say their play was Wisconsin - 10.5 and Memphis -6. I don't know where u get northwestern under
That's a brilliant concept. Wish I woulda not thought so late in life before I set that same very plan in place. Kudos for you for seeing earlier than most that 95% of these service guys are frauds.ATS has multiple packages and clubs. They also have things that as one poster said they just make up. I have been with ATS since 1995. Yes every year since then. I am probably one of their whales but I have consistently faded them in all that time. I got everything from their horse plays to their regular packages, lock clubs, and even special packages they do make up to get more money out of me. I buy just because I know the more they make up, the worse they are. If today they called me with the lock of the century for $2000, I am a buyer because I will unload knowing the percentages are on my side for the fade.
I got ATS Lock Club back in 2001 - they used to send me mail , all the time, that they were such winners with testimonials - the works !! So my brother & I joined forces & called them !!! We paid & they won the first pick with them so We upgraded & got murdered after that !!! Learned the hard way !!!
I know you want to - but it's going to be tough !!! You pay your money and you want to believe they will turn it around on the next pick !!! But good Luck !!!I know I been with them this year and so far. They suck at basketball. I should had fade them. Sadly I didn't and now I'm down plus today too. I'm going to start fading them from here on out
i believe he swept board Saturday going 6-0
nice run. Don't always get his numbers but still worth a tail.
Like everyone ATS goes on runs and for me as the fader it sucks BUT if you have a good money management system and just weather the storm, they turn around and then some. I love finding good services and shitty services. I mean give me either a service that goes 60% or 40% to me it is no different. However I find so many gamblers have a tough time with the idea of fading but it can be the best way to play some services.