It's "NOT" funny,because when we lose it's not like were giving these books Monopoly money. This is some hard earned cash, & it SUCKS to get your fucking head pounded in....... WITH ALL OF THAT BEING SAID....... THAT WAS FUNNY AS SHIT, CAUSE I'VE UTTERED THOSE EXACT WORDS TO A WHOLE BUY OF "IDIOT" FRIENDS THAT DO THE SAME EXACT SHIT....... If you blindly just follow a handicappers selections, BLINDLY, w/o taking the time to do your own work, be prepared to get your ass handed to you......
If any individual, refuses to their own handicapping work, and want to take the easy way out, thinking they could just follow these touts, I LOVE TO ASK THEM ONE VERY SIMPLE QUESTION : "If that was the case, and any one of these handicapping services were "ALL THAT SPECIAL" and were able to produce a winning season, (even if by the smallest margins, on a consistent basis) ask yourself.....WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD THESE PEOPLE SELL THESE GAMES, REGARDLESS OF THE AMOUNT THEY CHARGE, WHY NOT KEEP ALL THAT HARD WORK YOU PUT INTO PICKING THAT WINNER, TO YOURSELF ?? Is there "really" a need to have to sell your selections for a few bucks, when YOUR MAKING MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ?
The best TRUE handicapper in the world ( best there ever is, & there will never ever be another one like him ) is by a landslide **BILLY WALTERS** which we are all aware of his monetary power in wagering on sports. YOU TELL ME THE NAME OF ANY ONE OF THESE SCAM ARTISTS THAT HAVE EVER BEEN BANNED FROM WAGERING IN A LAS VEGAS CASION ??? Tell me a single tout, that has the capability of moving a line by 1-2pts with a single wager, and I'll mail you a check for a "cool thousand dollars."
Don't waste your time looking, cause there is one and only one, and that's BILLY WALTERS. By any chance, when you find his website or phone # to where he sells his plays, PLEASE let me know ASAP !!!! :hahahahah:hahahahah
Following these guys like Root & the rests of them all your going to do is get CRUSHED !!!!