Hey guys is this miracle capper record legit? Sorry? Wondering
D Esler | CBB Sides - Saturday, Feb 6 2016 5:00PM
#716 Chattanooga -10.0(-120) Pinnacle vs #715 Furman double-dime bet
Analysis: This one I will buy - I think it closes even higher. Huge revenge game and of course the far better team. The tipping point for me is seeing the tota ¬l go up - should be good for T-Chat.
Pick Made: Feb 6 2016 7:39AM PST
It is definitely a paid play because I paid for it. If it wins, I don't care at all. If they are his plays then I assume he can post them how he wants or where he wants. I hate getting involved with the whole handicapper element because there are some shady cats in that world. If I am owed a refund because he posted the play for free, then maybe they will let me know. If they don't, I really don't care because this guy is three and 0 so far with me. So we will see.