I have been Capping and betting Football for 40 years now...you are 100% right...amazes me how even some veteran betters do not understand this concept.
I play 1 unit per game and on a game I love I may play 2 or 3 units...but that is Rare !!!
I fail to see the difference between what you are saying and if a guy releases plays on a 3/4/5 star level. Its exactly the same as your 1/2/3 levels you describe because hopefully and presumably they release less of each higher rated play.
The only frauds are guys who release 4 plays in a day rated 100, 25, 20, 10.....because if he wins the 100 and loses the other 3 he can say he still won 45 units on day....if he loses 100 and wins other 3 he can say he went 3-1. It's all about being uniform in releases and not chasing losses by increasing units as some of these guys do.
All the other names of plays like pinnacle, inner circle, game of year are all frauds.