Craig Davis Friday's Play...
100 Dime Teaser selectcon on the ATLANTA HAWKS and the NEW ORLEANS HORNETS. Using the standared 2-team, 4-point teaser we are going to take the Hawks from a +1 1/2 or +2 point home dog up to a +5 1/2 or +6 point undereog and the Hornets from a +5 point pup to a +9 point dog.
100 Dime Teaser selectcon on the ATLANTA HAWKS and the NEW ORLEANS HORNETS. Using the standared 2-team, 4-point teaser we are going to take the Hawks from a +1 1/2 or +2 point home dog up to a +5 1/2 or +6 point undereog and the Hornets from a +5 point pup to a +9 point dog.