Some One Please Tell Me Why Memphis, Wouldnt KIck The Fg With Over 6 Mins To Play To Get Within 4, Then Count On There Df To Get A Stop When They Had 4 Yrds To Go? Unreal
What A Way To Lose A Bet,on Bad Play Calling,, They Were Out Coached, Memphis Was The Right Side Tonight Guys, But Just Didnt Cash The Ticket, (turn The Page)
How does Larry Ness show Memphis as a win?
It was +6 1/2 everywhere..not 7, nevermind 7 1/2
Did anyone get a 7 1/2 or more yesterday?
Larry Ness :
Date W/L Sport Pick Units
10/10/08 WIN NCAAF Memphis 600
10/09/08 WIN MLB Philadelphia Phillies 1000
10/06/08 Loss NFL New Orleans Saints -660
10/06/08 Loss MLB Chicago White Sox -960