Savage you talk a lot of shit! You and I Are both fro mass. So step up and let's meet and see who talks last! Ya I figure what you would say because your a ****! Keep it up and I will find you and I know all the cops so that doesn't scare me like seabass! Take your old ass and shut the fuck up you now have nothing to contribute so stuff it.... If not and you want to be tough call it m ready but your **** isn't as we all know!
Back again for more punishment, eh?
Are you drunk-you seem to have a Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde personality-when you are wasted, the mean side of you emerges and during the day you are a little more civil.
Either way you are no match for me when it comes to debating.
You have had you ass handed to you several times during the last few days by me and made to look like a total fool.
I presented facts to support everything I said whereas you being totally clueless cannot offer anything in the way of rebuttal except for name calling.
And then in thug like manner, which is what I would expect from someone of your ilk, you challenge me physically-not surprisng from someone who is in the alcohol industry.
Your response that you "know all of the cops" is as stupid as the one you made last night when you said you always had ALL of Sebastian's plays yet begged for them every night.
Does knowing all of the cops mean that they will look the other way if you commit a crime? lol
Keep coming back and trying to stir up trouble if you like and continue to be destroyed-I may have to tie one hand behind my back to even things up a bit.
Now if you will pardon me there is a stray dog barking outside looking for picks from Sebastian, I mean food.
Like you if I feed him he will be nice-if I don't feed him, he may turn on me and/or at the very least go looking for food at the next house-does that remind you of a certain poster?
Sleep well and try to make more sense next time-this is getting boring.