Stan Sharp is going to lose yet again tonight with the Hawks. This is getting ridiculous. I've been following him regularly thinking he will snap out of it at some point, but I may just have to stop following him. Of course as soon as I do he will win 15 in a row. :lol:
Stan Sharp is going to lose yet again tonight with the Hawks. This is getting ridiculous. I've been following him regularly thinking he will snap out of it at some point, but I may just have to stop following him. Of course as soon as I do he will win 15 in a row. :lol:
NFL [313] TOTAL o34-110 (B+13) (PHILADELPHIA vrs ARIZONA)
Jan 18 NFL [314] ARIZONA +17-110 (B+13)
Jan 18 NFL [314] TOTAL u60-110 (B+13) (PHILADELPHIA vrs ARIZONA)
Jan 18 NFL [315] TOTAL o21-110 (B+13) (BALTIMORE vrs PITTSBURGH
NFL [313] PHILADELPHIA +9-110 (B+13)
Jan 18 NFL [313] TOTAL o34-110 (B+13) (PHILADELPHIA vrs ARIZONA)
Jan 18 NFL [314] ARIZONA +17-110 (B+13)
Jan 18 NFL [315] BALTIMORE +19-110 (B+13)
NFL [313] TOTAL o34-110 (B+13) (PHILADELPHIA vrs ARIZONA)
Jan 18 NFL [315] BALTIMORE +19-110 (B+13)
Jan 18 NFL [315] TOTAL o21-110 (B+13) (BALTIMORE vrs PITTSBURGH)
Jan 18 NFL [316] PITTSBURGH +7-110 (B+13)
NFL [313] PHILADELPHIA +9-110 (B+13)
Jan 18 NFL [313] TOTAL o34-110 (B+13) (PHILADELPHIA vrs ARIZONA)
Jan 18 NFL [314] ARIZONA +17-110 (B+13)
Jan 18 NFL [314] TOTAL u60-110 (B+13) (PHILADELPHIA vrs ARIZONA
which one do you guys like 1-4 or all. lol
can i get some opinions on what you guys like
lol you said the same thing i remember back on a college football game for another capper and they came storming back.. You should say this more often in game so the team can go on a run lol
my friend i graduated college with lives in pittsburgh and said the weather is awful as of right now. I would just do in game teaser on the ravens steelers take the ravens to +13 and steelers to +1 I can't see steelers losing or ravens losing by 2 scores
just like everybody else though what scares me is that last week titans had like 3 turnovers in the redzone. ravens offense only could put up 13.