first i dont feel knowledgable to bet on tennis. Second i like serena williams her style of play and her fashon yes it might be because she is black that i like the way she is cause we hav stuff in common but i think sha. is the most beautiful professional player ive ever seen in any sport and she is white. Also idiot why shouldnt blacks cheer for the william sisters especially if their are idiots like u calling them ugly, fat and beasts. And idiots in the fans calling them n****ers. Why shouldnt we support them jackass
See, you're a biggest racist than anyone. You know nothing about tennis but root for her because she happens to be black like you. That's racism. I don't pretend to be a great tennis expert but I did bet Serena to beat Sharapova in the Australian Open. And I would have bet her again if she were the +140 dog. So as you can see, I don't root for color like you do.Uh oh... 3-3 tie... time for you to go play "poker".... hahahahahahahaha!
hey dumb ass i said not knowledgeable enough to bet money on it. i route for the Atlanta Braves but wouldnt bet on it cause dont know enough about baseball to bet on it jackass. Look up racism stupid if u root for somebody cause they are the same color is not the definition of racism. Also i gave u reasons why i support the girl and not just cause she black but yes it does has something to do with it Third asshole poker is done wit for the day and i was talking to u when serena was down 6 check the thread dumbass. oh 5-3 dumbass hahahahahahaha.
hey crunch i will give u this u was right there was no doubt who would win hahahahahaha stop betting on tennis and stick to college bb and stop wasting your time starting this threads about the fat, ugly, out of shape beast that keeps proving u wrong hahahahaha
You "route for the braves"? What the hell does that mean? They have numerous black players on the roster the last time I checked. But we all know a racist like you would root for an all-black team in a white league. Racism can be rooting for someone based solely on their skin color, which you do so well. Well, good thing is you didn't have the balls to bet on the beast so you won't make any money to offset your poker loses. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Why would I stop betting tennis when I won so much money on it? Nadal alone has trippled my bankroll. But no, he's not black, so you wouldn't know about him.
damn u really r an idiot braves im shocked how deep down your ignorance goes. Look at braves history there claim to fame came form maddux,glavine, smoltz, and bobby cox all white guys. Second look at the line up on every team fool how many blacks do we have compare to everybody else. Everybody that reads this thread should lose all respect for u on the rx