The hope for gold bugs is that it becomes desirable private property, like what happened with houses.
Then it would be a great investment.
At the moment, to compare it with land and buildings is silly, it aint happening, you would have got about 200% tops over the last 25 years.
A bit of physical gold in your portfolio is not a bad idea, so you can ride a bull run if it happens, but gold bugs have been pushing for this to happen since the 1970s and its still aint really happened yet.
Meanwhile a lot of us in other sectors have made a fucking killing.
Stuff like decent property has been a one way trip...and I never needed to hover over a CBS bizchannel ticker for a moment, I just got on with life.
Obvious stuff like the energy and financials sectors have done far better as well over the last 25 years.
So I would never advise anyone to put too much of their life savings into gold, its track record to date suxx and a wee flurry after 25 years is nothing to get too excited about as far as Mr eek is concerned.