How America’s top corporations are stealing $376bn (and counting) from their workers
Only 30 companies in the S&P 500 were fully funded as of year end 2015, with almost half of the overfunded companies coming from the financial sector.
Legacy companies like General Electric, General Motors and Boeing lead the table in underfunding almost 700,000 current employees, partly because they have to pay for the golden retirement plans for their executives such as Jack Welch.
Desperate for fund yields, South Carolina and Hawaii have turned to the risky business of selling puts, a tactic eerily reminiscent of those used in the run-up to the financial crisis.
“There comes a point where you might be picking up pennies in front of a steamroller,” Nathan Faber, vice president of investment strategies at Newfound Research, warned in the WSJ.
If pension underfunding continues in the same alarming direction, funds will need to be found eventually, whether through bailout or massive benefit cuts, both likely to be at the cost of the taxpayer.