The people create the system eek...
My premise is The people corrupt the system(ANY system), which is what happens when too much power is in the hands of too few people.
Representative democracy is a one way trip to the destruction of that society IMO, it might take a few hundred years but it always happens because too few people have too much power
Direct Democracy is the society of the future IMO.
Turn Westminster and Capitol Hill into museums of the past for tourists, which is all they're really good for, and have future policy voted on via the internet society
My premise is The people corrupt the system(ANY system), which is what happens when too much power is in the hands of too few people.
Representative democracy is a one way trip to the destruction of that society IMO, it might take a few hundred years but it always happens because too few people have too much power
Direct Democracy is the society of the future IMO.
Turn Westminster and Capitol Hill into museums of the past for tourists, which is all they're really good for, and have future policy voted on via the internet society