Also wind power isn't free once built it has operating expenses/upkeep etc... Most alternative energy is bunk and totally uneconomical without government subsidies.. Especially with oil sub 60....
nukes only obvious way to go for bulk of worlds needs... Has Clean emissions too for the global warmists...
The NREL Cost of Wind Energy Review employed an $11 per MWh estimate for annual operating expense, with possible values ranging from $9 to $20 per MWh.22 Carrying over the adjustment in capacity factor from 38 percent to 33 percent but keeping other assumptions the same results in a slight increase in the estimates operations and maintenance cost, from $11 per MWh to $12 per MWh. Changes in the discount rate do not affect annual operating expenses.
The estimate of $11/MWh may also be biased downward. The most recent Wind Tech Report indicated a $10 per MWh average cost for annual operating expenses for projects built since 2000, but it added that this estimate is likely below actual average operation and maintenance costs. The Wind Tech Report stated that most wind power operators consider operating and maintenance cost data information to be commercially sensitive and prefer not to disclose it. As a result, the annual operating cost estimates reflect only one-fifth of the capacity included in the installed capacity cost calculation.23
In addition, Berkeley Labs reported that the data collected was not standardized across sources. Some operators reported operation and maintenance costs including insurance, local taxes, administrative overhead, wages and materials, but in other cases the data submitted included only wages and materials.
Significantly, the two wind power projects for which Berkeley Lab has the most complete information showed annual operation costs averaging over $21 per MWh, about twice the $11 average employed by NREL.24 If a more reasonable estimate of the installed cost of capital is $88 per MWh and operating costs are $21 per MWh, we can estimate a reasonable LCOE for wind power near $109 per MWh rather than NREL’s estimate of $72 — a more than 50 percent increase.