Reading this thread from 2008 is funny. If I ever left that many people eating crow I don't think I'd be as modest as you Tiz
Kinda a microcosm of society. I know I'm guilty of it, the "well we've been fine for XYZ years this is just a hiccup, party will go on, best country etc" line
I think our standard of living is just so high that we're too numb to it. It is going to take black swan event about 10 times bigger than 2008 to get people to wakeup. Even if people do want change, most largely have no clue what we need (see OWS rallying, while I think they were admirable to protest they were obviously misguided, then the drunks/druggies/bored people showup and it just becomes a joke and fades away)
Hopefully we fix our system because who knows what a new system would be