Going 4 Units across the board. Just waiting on the juice from local. Really looking for the sweep tonight. It'd be great and I see all these teams coming out and really doing well. BOL tonight.
GL sean, with you on two of these! I hope you get back on track especially with the big units tonight...be careful of the "on tilt" factor, though buddy.
Well boys...I wish everyone the absolute best of luck the rest of the way out this season. I'm done for a good long while. I'm pulling the bankroll and putting it towards other things. I truly thought tonight was going to be a huge night. I have no confidence in my capping ability anymore. I'll still be around the forum as I love baseball but going to get out before it gets really bad.
been rough for me too these last few days, im gonna try to finish out the week, if this continues, im out myself, good luck with whatever you're doing sean, hopefully after some time off and regrouping, you will come back and start winning