another game that comes to mind is Green Bay Houston.... You probably have this game in your records as a Push, but again, the astute line shopper could have won here aswell:
Anway, all of this to simply say, that giving out advice to gamblers, that they should still bet on a game despite the line having moved from 2.5 to 4.5 across such a key number such as 3.... is incorrect advice, as you say in your thread..... Live to fight another day....Selection Price <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o>
<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comffice:smarttags" /><st1:City><st1lace>Green Bay</st1lace></st1:City> at <st1:City><st1lace>Houston</st1lace></st1:City><o></o>
<st1:City><st1lace>Houston</st1lace></st1:City> +3.5 2.00 Win <o></o>
Bet Type Straight bet on above selection <o></o>
Bet Price 2.00 <o></o>
Bet Amount $500.00 <o></o>
Bet Payout $1,000.00 <o></o>
Time Placed November 21 <st1:time Hour="18" Minute="49">18:49</st1:time>