Max, I am sure the Dunes fits this description. The former owners even admitted this to me not so long ago. Also, thanks to the Rumor Mill we are a little less reluctant to keep things "hush hush" that cannot be fully confirmed. Had this feature been in place last summer we probably would have made a few references to the previous management of Skybook. That situation was WAY out of hand but because a number of books supplying us with the information refused at the time to support our reports based on information they also supplied to us related to Premiere League, we here at the Prescription decided against running a report on Skybook's then problems. Skybook now is owned by a different company (Rio) which by nearly all accounts is much more financially sound.
Thanks. It would make sense that if some of these so-called experts so what they considered a soft number they would want to try to jump on it. Several years ago I had a friend with his own shop. Instead of taking the numbers off of Best he would adjust them to what he thought they should be. Needless to say he got a lot of action. Needless to say he also got broke. You would think being around the game for so long they would no better but I guess not. As Glenn Frye sang " The lure of easy money ". /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif

The fact that RIO (one of my favorite outs) gambles, bothers me. The fact that nearly every offshore bookmaker gambles, bothers me...

Either play bookmaker or gambler but don't play both sides!

If I had 11-10 or MORE given to me on all bets, I would not be gambling on the player's side, period!

You will discover that many of the offshore books who go belly under do so partly, or in full, because they gambled!


Lets say that you own a book and you write about 200,000 a day in action. Now you find a book thats very weak with their numbers. Wouldn't it be the obvious choice to bet into them. It would be like raising your volume of your action. If you're really getting the better of the number, why not? Maybe thats what Rio is doing. Who knows? If it is, then that is very smart on their part. But if their just betting their own opinions, then i wouldn't favor that.
Sick by gambling it takes away from what they are in business for.
Shrink if it bothers you so much why do you have such high regard for them. Rather than gambling they should do things to retain existing players for free rather than having those premium accounts. example such things that Royal Sports does free payouts on $1000 and up. Besides the point operating in costa rica is much cheaper vs the islands.
Hello Group,

Shrink since you asked the original question let me address this to you and then maybe you might want to re-start the thread.

You asked which 'bookmakers' gamble?
The question shouldn't be aimed at the bookmaker but to the owner of the shop.
If the guy running the store doesn't have any financial interest in the shop, why would it matter if he bets?
Of course on the other hand, if the owner is the guy running the book then trouble could come around.

With that in mind, just how is it that none of you mentioned Spiro as a player too?
As we all know, he has more money than this entire group of posters has, so we don't worry about him!!

And finally Yogi is off base in regards to Rick at All World. When he was at Gold Medal, he told a customer who wanted to press his bet at a different number and I quote, "we don't want any partners" and he turned the bet down.
In the scope of the Shrinks question, that is gambling with the books money. He had a chance to square up the action but passed to keep a side.

So the question should go to whose money is the BM playing with, his or the owners?

What was your point yea Rick felt i was not in the best interest no to take anymore action on that side. So i am not off pace. Dunes or monty would have let you bet the farm. Jason of Dunes told me you can bet whatever is in your account. Rick is careful bottom line when you win you will get paid.

you wrote

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>With that in mind, just how is it that none of you mentioned Spiro as a player too?
As we all know, he has more money than this entire group of posters has, so we don't worry about him!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I realize you are quite a bigshot, but I'd be curious as to know you the financial intricacies of the people posting in this forum, or the BM you mentioned?


New member
Sep 21, 2004
That's a good point Heath. Does having a large amount of post up money make your personal bankroll large. One of the reasons that Spiro would endorse Ted at Eurosport is because Ted floated him money. The movers put a hurt on Olympic through '99 and Spiro was looking to sell out. More than one individual from Nevada went to Jamaica to check out the operation but nothing came of it. Is your business worth based on your post up money? Can all the offices match the funds that are posted or do operating expenses chew it up? I don't know about Spiro's personal gambling habits but to suggest he's got more money to bet with than everyone else is a stretch. There are off shore owners who bet and have been successful over the years and whose money has grown to the point of where anything they do won't affect continuing to pay their customers or staff. They can survive the lean seasons and some do it without any post up money.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

when you post an opinion(different) on your opening lines and are right more often then not, then you are a true bookmaker. You will make the most $$$ over the long haul and know what the heck you are doing. If you cannot have accurate opening opinions then you are gambling and should either be a clone shop and middle the DB screen or get out completely.
If what you're saying is that to be a true BM you have to differentiate your opening lines based on your own opinions then I'll have to disagree with you. Setting your own lines will damn sure get you a lot of action but that REALLY is gambling. Taking the opening lines and moving them based on action or info received to maintain a balaced ledger would be what a true BM does. Letting your opinion influence what line you have, reardless of what the money or action trends is how some BM's go broke. There's way too much info out there today and with the advent of this nifty little thing called the internet it spreads pretty quickly. Let one of the DBS shops be a point off and watch..Within a minute or two their back in line due to an obvious influx of action. I would assume sometimes it's more that they would like. There's too many players with a lot of outs just waiting for those opportunities. But you are right, if you have an opinion and you're right more often than not you are going to make a bundle. But that's gambling to me.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
When there wasn't the internet displaying all these lines, back eight plus years or so, a bookmaker could put his own lines up without a flood of middlers. Now you get the square thinking he should take the number because it's different and not the other side to get value. As Max states, a number off now only means that it's scooped up for the sake of having it. The local BM will jack his local teams because his players won't play the other side. That's not gambling but having an edge. Off shore internet lines will get play when they are different and moves get played when that number is the last one remaining on the screen. So changing any lines is the same as handicapping the game or having a sense of where you think the move will occur. It's all gambling when you set yourself up for a hit.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

What Max said above is RIGHT ON TARGET. I may alter an opener based on being different than what others have as a way to produce early volume against an opinion, but you have to "ride with house money" and to a lesser extent "ride with the moves" otherwise it is merely gambling.


That was a very good post.
Thanks. And by the way, where do I send that check to settle our wager on your golf game? Anybody that lays off three months and only three putts once on greens that resemble a FB field needs to be paid. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

New member
Sep 21, 2004
From a bookmakers point of view, I think other bm's are some of the best customers to have. Especially the ones that don't have much action right now. They usually pay and they usually go off. They are also easily enticed by tweeking your numers a little, due to the fact that most are opinionated.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

Actually it was a 6-month layoff not 3!!! I like those slow greens...hard to make putts, but easy to 2-putt almost every time.
Six months? Even more impressive. I'm fixing to impose that on myself if I don't stop f-----g three putting. Are there any decent practice facilities in you neck of the woods? Or is it similar to Mexico.... poor range facilities and practice balls leftover from the 1970's?

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