Saving $158,000 on a Scientology Course!


Let's go Brandon!
Nov 6, 2012
Priesthood of Punishment

Scientology punishments described by Karen de la Carriere:

The Karen de la Carriere Story:
"I was a member of the Church of Scientology for decades and was married to the President of the Church of Scientology, Heber Jentzsch. Our son was Alexander Jentzsch. When I started to speak out publicly about abuses and horrific on-going violations of human rights within the Church, they retaliated by coercing my son to "disconnect" from me. Within 3 years, in 2012, he subsequently died of neglect while inside the Church. He was only 27 years old. To make matters worse, Church of Scientology executives blockaded me from seeing my own son's body and attending my own son's funeral. David Miscavige who has run the Church of Scientology for three decades is a corrupt evil psychopath responsible for the deaths of many people who, like my own son, succumbed to oppression. This blog has been established to protect the public by blowing a whistle of fire on CoS corruption, exposing their crimes and atrocities."

Karen de la Carriere Blog

Has anyone seen Heber Jentzsch?
Heber Carl Jentzsch (born November 30, 1935) has served as president of the Church of Scientology International since 1982. He has not been seen publicly since 2004.

Let's go Brandon!
Nov 6, 2012
The Reverend Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple Defends Scientology


From Tony Ortega's Blog
Now that we’re into a new month and our book, The Unbreakable Miss Lovely, is taking us on tours around the country (and soon across the pond), we’re going to begin posting material here that supplements our story about Paulette Cooper. Miss Lovely is a book that looks at Paulette’s entire life, from her survival of the Holocaust as a small child to her more recent years as an author in Florida. But she’s most well known, of course, for her 1971 book, The Scandal of Scientology, which resulted in the most legendary campaign of retaliation and ruination in the history of Scientology’s spy wing, the Guardian’s Office. That campaign even included a plot to frame Paulette for a felony which resulted in her being indicted in 1973 and facing 15 years in federal prison.
In 1977 the FBI raided Scientology looking for evidence of the church’s infiltration and burglarizing of federal agencies, but the FBI also discovered evidence of the many plots against Paulette. Initially, the FBI had to remain quiet about what it found in the raid. But then, news that Paulette Cooper had been framed on orders from top Scientology officials finally became public after a pair of Washington Post stories by Ron Shaffer appeared on April 28 and 29, 1978, followed by many other reports in the press.
One person who took notice of those stories was an unlikely observer in South America.
Late in our book project, one of our researcher friends discovered that in a large collection of materials at San Diego State University, a really unique and disturbing audio recording exists. Collected by the Jonestown Institute at SDSU, it’s a recording of Peoples Temple leader Jim Jones, one of 971 tapes recovered by the FBI which preserve the cult leader giving his frequent addresses to his followers at the Jonestown compound in Guyana.
And on June 10, 1978, Jim Jones talked about Paulette Cooper.
Jones included it in his “mid-afternoon news” address, and he can be heard reading from a version of Shaffer’s April 29 story. Descriptions of Paulette’s harassment are provided to Shaffer by attorneys Paul Rheingold — who represented her in a 1972 harassment suit against the New York org — and Virgil Roberts — who had wrapped up a settlement in 1976 to end several of Scientology’s lawsuits against The Scandal of Scientology (see Chapter 13 in Miss Lovely).
What’s really interesting though is the way Jones interrupts his reading of the press account to provide his own running commentary — he’s sure that Scientology is getting the raw deal, and that Paulette was being unjustifiably exonerated.
At the beginning of the recording, you’ll hear Jones place the Peoples Temple in context to other groups — Synanon, the Black Panthers, and Scientology — that he apparently felt some kinship to, at least in the sense of a persecuted and misunderstood group. And why was Scientology being persecuted, according to Jim Jones?
“The reason for this, according to US UPI source that prefers to remain anonymous, is because Scientology has revealed how high the Nazi influence goes in the police work of USA, USA Customs, Treasury Department, and the police of the entire world. So the new attack. I’ll give you some detail of it,” he says.
So the revelations of the framing of Paulette Cooper are “the new attack” on Scientology, which Jones seems to feel is akin to an attack on the Peoples Temple, which is fascinating.
You’ll then hear him read from the newspaper article, making sarcastic asides about how he doubts the government’s “sources” — which were actually based on Scientology documents that would be released to the public a couple of years later.
It’s also fascinating to hear Jones express admiration for Scientology’s litigious attacks against Paulette and others.
“The Church of Scientology sued her in New York, Los Angeles, Detroit, England, Scotland, Australia, Ontario, and British Columbia, each time charging that her book had defrauded– uh, had defamed the church. There’s something to be said for suits. I wish we could think about that. Our lawyers here feel the same. Sometimes lawyers in USA don’t want to be caught taking on the outrageous liars of publishers and press.”
Listen for yourself, and hear how Jones sarcastically describes Paulette: “She looks — her long blonde hair straggling down clear to her navel — she looks like a poor, mistreated dear little thing.”
Five months after this recording was made, on November 18, 1978, US Congressman Leo Ryan and members of his entourage were murdered as they were attempting to return to the US after visiting the Peoples Temple Guyana compound. Jones then ordered suicides of his followers, and 909 men, women, and children, including Jones, died, most from poisoning, but a few from gunshot wounds.
We expect that a question which occasionally comes up will show up frequently in today’s discussion: Could Scientology ever experience a “Jonestown”? We think it’s unlikely for a number of reasons, but we’re curious to see what former church members have to say.
We do feel confident about one conclusion we came to after hearing this tape. Jim Jones was one creepy dude, but we imagine that the Guardian’s Office discussions about Paulette were even more disturbing. If only a recording of such a thing existed.

Let's go Brandon!
Nov 6, 2012
Marty Rathbun reveals Lisa McPherson from inside Scientology Inc.

David Miscavige gets involved with the Lisa McPherson case, and it does not end well.

Lisa McPherson (February 10, 1959 – December 5, 1995) was an American member of the Church of Scientology who died of a pulmonary embolism while under the care of the Church of Scientology Flag Service Organization, Inc. Following the report of the state of Florida's medical examiner that indicated that Lisa was a victim of negligent homicide, the Church of Scientology was indicted on two felony charges, "abuse and/or neglect of a disabled adult" and "practicing medicine without a license." The charges against the Church of Scientology were dropped after the state's medical examiner changed the cause of death from "undetermined" to an "accident" on June 13, 2000. A civil suit brought by her family against the Church was settled on May 28, 2004.


Let's go Brandon!
Nov 6, 2012
Church of Scientology - Top Ten Facts

Where is Shelly Miscavige?


Let's go Brandon!
Nov 6, 2012
Ronald Edward DeWolf, born Lafayette Ronald Hubbard, Jr., also known as "Nibs" Hubbard, was the eldest child of Scientology's founder L. Ron Hubbard and Hubbard's first wife, Margaret Louise Grubb. He is also Jamie DeWolf's grandfather:


Let's go Brandon!
Nov 6, 2012
Inside the Scientology Celebrity Centre: An Ex-Parishoner Reveals All


Let's go Brandon!
Nov 6, 2012
Operating Thetan Powers Demonstrated: "I smell pussy!"

"I smell pussy!"


Let's go Brandon!
Nov 6, 2012
What's Wrong With Scientology

In a three part series, former Scientology SeaOrg member Chris Shelton explains why Sceintology is going the way of the now extinct Dodo Bird.


Let's go Brandon!
Nov 6, 2012
"there was a beating every day"

Public Service Announcement: Scientology Slave Museum


Let's go Brandon!
Nov 6, 2012
L. Ron is just kidding us mostly!

L. Ron Hubbard - 'I'm just kidding you mostly' (1952)


Let's go Brandon!
Nov 6, 2012
Fuck you Miscavige! Escape from Gold Base: The Executive Secretary Flees!

Tanya Castle, David Miscavige's personal secretary for 13 years, makes her escape from Scientology's Gold Base in Hemet, California.


Let's go Brandon!
Nov 6, 2012
The Supreme Leaders neice, Jenna Miscavige, bails out of the club!

Jenna Miscavige speaks out:


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