SATURDAY AFTERNOON: Some bets to unload$$$$


Nov 20, 2004
Looks like jarhead, no i mean goose took his ball and ran home, lolllllllll.
Dont worry you can still purchase all his plays at his website for 1000 bucks a week, while hes still hot.
p.s. go to the hilton contest and you will see his pro plays for free and please dont be a sucker and believe his crap that the games hes uses for the hilton arent his best plays, because that is pure bs. Hes playing for 300k in the hilton contest, you can be sure those are his best plays.
heres his nfls plays
kc pick
jax -3
houston +5-
new orleans +3
philly +9-

New member
Mar 19, 2006
cd329 said:
Looks like jarhead, no i mean goose took his ball and ran home, lolllllllll.
Dont worry you can still purchase all his plays at his website for 1000 bucks a week, while hes still hot.
p.s. go to the hilton contest and you will see his pro plays for free and please dont be a sucker and believe his crap that the games hes uses for the hilton arent his best plays, because that is pure bs. Hes playing for 300k in the hilton contest, you can be sure those are his best plays.
heres his nfls plays
kc pick
jax -3
houston +5-
new orleans +3
philly +9-

Why would we pay 1000 a week for his plays when goose WAS posting here for free!
Go away cd329! Think it must be nap time by now! :finger:

New member
Sep 16, 2006
cd329 said:
Looks like jarhead, no i mean goose took his ball and ran home, lolllllllll.
Dont worry you can still purchase all his plays at his website for 1000 bucks a week, while hes still hot.
p.s. go to the hilton contest and you will see his pro plays for free and please dont be a sucker and believe his crap that the games hes uses for the hilton arent his best plays, because that is pure bs. Hes playing for 300k in the hilton contest, you can be sure those are his best plays.
heres his nfls plays
kc pick
jax -3
houston +5-
new orleans +3
philly +9-

I have to agree here. Hey CD, are those plays in descending order of strength?


Cincinnati: F U Mike Brown
Sep 23, 2006
guys, I know your mad gg wont be around, but if you look into it and especially look into the tout forum you will see that cd is correct, its for the best to just not deal with this guy (as much as it pains me to see it), but something is defintally shaddy about the whole thing

Sep 21, 2004
cd329 said:
Looks like jarhead, no i mean goose took his ball and ran home, lolllllllll.
Dont worry you can still purchase all his plays at his website for 1000 bucks a week, while hes still hot.
p.s. go to the hilton contest and you will see his pro plays for free and please dont be a sucker and believe his crap that the games hes uses for the hilton arent his best plays, because that is pure bs. Hes playing for 300k in the hilton contest, you can be sure those are his best plays.
heres his nfls plays
kc pick
jax -3
houston +5-
new orleans +3
philly +9-

To our mighty protector.
The Hilton contest lines are early week lines and the cappers have to make their picks mid week. Actually a lot can change in the lines by kickoff. No surprise here if some weeks, Jarhead has Best Bets that are not Hilton picks, Sometimes the Best Bets are Hilton picks.
What's with you??? I can make my own decisions, don't need your 2 cents of protection. Can choose my own deodorant!

New member
Sep 16, 2006
ECS said:
guys, I know your mad gg wont be around, but if you look into it and especially look into the tout forum you will see that cd is correct, its for the best to just not deal with this guy (as much as it pains me to see it), but something is defintally shaddy about the whole thing

Leaning on an agree.. Like how he mentioned there were more plays in the afternoon including a "big" play. There was absolutely no need for him to mention that as he had already said that he couldn't post them..that he had posted all he could for the day. What would be the point to that unless he was trying to get members to purchase from jarhead?

Nov 20, 2004
In the hilton contest they are all ranked the same and the way the records are recorded, no one play gets more credit then any other.
Also if everybody would have been paying attention early on, jarhead or goose made sure that when people found out you could get his hilton plays for free, he right away stated that the hilton plays arent always his best plays, lolllllllllllllll. Yeah okay your playing for 300k and you are going to use your second best plays, lolllllllllllllllll.
Next factor jarhead is supposed to be some bigtime bettor, yet he just created a website last month, using a free web hosting service, lolllllllll.
Reason he did this, was to try and cash in on his hilton hot streak, which am sure lost of people would do.
Look at the guy who won the hilton contest last year, Blue team, who posted here every week, he didnt try opening a tout service.
Goose and jarhead are one in the same and its getting sickening to see these type of jokers taking over messageboards, just because they are on a hot streak, when there are so many great cappers here that have posted for years for free, that dont get the same respect as these wanna be touts.
Its a free country and when i see these touts, am gonna expose them as soon as i can, because if i can save 1 person from giving them their money then i can feel good. I really dont care if some of you cry babies who need some tout to hold your hand gets mad. I could care less.
You guys keep blowing him and i will keep exposing him

Ecs, thanks for noticing.


Cincinnati: F U Mike Brown
Sep 23, 2006
gskiman said:
To our mighty protector.
The Hilton contest lines are early week lines and the cappers have to make their picks mid week. Actually a lot can change in the lines by kickoff. No surprise here if some weeks, Jarhead has Best Bets that are not Hilton picks, Sometimes the Best Bets are Hilton picks.
What's with you??? I can make my own decisions, don't need your 2 cents of protection. Can choose my own deodorant!

Maybe last week he should of stuck with his original lines since his best bet lost and he went 3-1-1 in the hilton :dancefool


Cincinnati: F U Mike Brown
Sep 23, 2006
btw, the whole tout thing drives me nuts as well, if anything because its such a bumout when it hits out of nowhere, like carmine/inthezone/ect.....

Nov 20, 2004
Hey gsk, it appears you dont know that much about pro football and line then. It doesnt matter if any of the lines moves, because 75-85 percent of the time the lines play no factor in the outcome of the games.
also you can still get those lines on those games, so get them now if your worried.
But if you are to dumb to think that hes not using his best picks to win 300k and his best picks are on games that the lines move, then son you need some serious help and that i cant help you with.


New member
Nov 13, 2006
cd329 said:
Thats right Mlfp, i cant stand friggin touts who try to take peoples money and everytime i see one, am gonna do everything i can to expose them for the dirtbags they are.
Hey i will do my thing and you keep doing your thing, blowing touts who give you a few winners, lollllllllllllllllllllll.

I can't understand why you are blaming this guy. He's just posting plays and we can used or not, but they are free. Which is the problem?. If someone wants to buy the service from his source, it's free to buy it. Nobody puts a gun in our head !!!
Why a lot of critizism about him ? did he stole you money or what ?

Oct 19, 2006
Yawn... He's gone, everyone should go ahead and get over it.

CD: You're just silly. I follow Boxslayer, MistaFlava, Railbird, Kojak, Gynecologist, ColdWeather and all the other guys that make this a great community. We need more of them and less of people trying to be hero's like you. People were following this guy because he was posting good plays. Inevitably some people will fall for the tout service, but the majority of us were taking the Bonus Plays we got just like those that we get from Box, MF, Rail, and all the others. Go ahead and blame me for supporting the guy, but go ahead and disrespect the rest in the same breath because it's the same thing. We support people that win on these boards, and Wilheim and the great mod's handle business when someone goes tout. It's a simple thing, so stop acting like the police because you're not.

New member
Mar 19, 2006
mlfp said:
Yawn... He's gone, everyone should go ahead and get over it.

CD: You're just silly. I follow Boxslayer, MistaFlava, Railbird, Kojak, Gynecologist, ColdWeather and all the other guys that make this a great community. We need more of them and less of people trying to be hero's like you. People were following this guy because he was posting good plays. Inevitably some people will fall for the tout service, but the majority of us were taking the Bonus Plays we got just like those that we get from Box, MF, Rail, and all the others. Go ahead and blame me for supporting the guy, but go ahead and disrespect the rest in the same breath because it's the same thing. We support people that win on these boards, and Wilheim and the great mod's handle business when someone goes tout. It's a simple thing, so stop acting like the police as you're not.

Very well said! :suomi:

Nov 20, 2004
you nailed it perfectly. its getting real old now that guys are posting plays for a month or 2, with their whole goal during that time, was to go tout if they should get hot.
What amazes me is how dumb people are not to see the new tactic these touts are using.
Post the plays, hope they get hot and then they can try to get people to pay.
If they lose during the intial month or 2 posting of plays, then all they do is change their handle and try again. Everybody can get hot at any given time.
This is the new tout tactic for the messageboards and it happens everywhere. Thast why i say that site like the rx, shouldnt even have a spot for these hustlers to post their websites in. Let them startup their business the old fashioned way, pay for ads


Cincinnati: F U Mike Brown
Sep 23, 2006
last post on this, what alot of you are not understanding is that the post were NOT going to continue. Maybe you havent read the thread in the tout section, but goose said now his source doesnt want him posting the plays because it moves the lines and he will only be posting "select" plays.

If you havent see that thread, go read it before bashing cd

Nov 20, 2004
like i said i dont give a rats ass what you or other suckholes say about my posts. Also not trying to be the police, cause if i was this guy and guys like him would have been banned along time ago.
Am trying to help people who dont know any better and get sucked in by guys like him. Thats great that you know better, some people dont thou and those are the ones who i want to help.
So i wil say it again, i dont give a rats ass what you say.
Its pretty sad thou that you try to come off as a smart guy, but you arent able to figure out that jarhead and goose are one in the same, thats pretty funny.
Yeah like anybody that pays for a service is then gonna turn around and help promote that service, lmfaoooooooooooooooooooo.
Go back and read all gooses posts from the start and you will see the whole storyline, tat is if you are bright enough to figure it out

New member
Nov 21, 2006
I don't get it....gamblers are always blinded by the truth. Guys GG was putting up a lot of winners and I thank him for that but why even say what service they were coming from just for fear of being ratted out and being cut off. Just my opinion.

Nov 20, 2004
ECS, thank you.
Some of these guys are so blinded by getting a few winners they didnt even realize what was happening.
If jarhead is putting out 10 games today, but only 3 are getting posted, that could hurt bettors bigtime, if the 3 he posts lose and his other 7 win.
Thats what i was trying to explain to these guys, but instead they were so deep into idol worship, they didnt even see this.

Oct 19, 2006
cd329 said:
like i said i dont give a rats ass what you or other suckholes say about my posts. Also not trying to be the police, cause if i was this guy and guys like him would have been banned along time ago.
Am trying to help people who dont know any better and get sucked in by guys like him. Thats great that you know better, some people dont thou and those are the ones who i want to help.
So i wil say it again, i dont give a rats ass what you say.
Its pretty sad thou that you try to come off as a smart guy, but you arent able to figure out that jarhead and goose are one in the same, thats pretty funny.
Yeah like anybody that pays for a service is then gonna turn around and help promote that service, lmfaoooooooooooooooooooo.
Go back and read all gooses posts from the start and you will see the whole storyline, tat is if you are bright enough to figure it out

You bore me. Stop insulting people and maybe you can "help" someone. I have something to tell you that you should know... Smart people are going to be smart and stupid people are going to be stupid. You can't help someone on here, especially as neither of us carry any weight in anyone's mind on this forum. You cannot protect the stupid people that will pay for tout service, as they don't care what you say. They only want to do what they've been convinced is good to do, and you can't change their mind. The government in the US is trying to "help" those same stupid people by banning online gambling, which I think will only make the problem worse. So please do us all a favor and contribute to the community by posting plays and supporting people that are contributing themselves.

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